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  1. mach03infront

    Holy #$%% hitch hiker!!!!

    he's so cool!!! your a lucky duck! last picture is the best!
  2. mach03infront

    Holy #$%% hitch hiker!!!!

    waiting with patience ....
  3. mach03infront

    ID This SHRIMP

    well i was lucky this morning right when i turned the lights on the beast was caught and taken to the local fish store.... i can not afford anything attepting to eat any coral.... which i have some nice zoos coming monday : BAHAMA MAMA 10X NEON MERLETTI 5X GEDDON PINKS 10X KOOLAID 10X PHOENIX 5X...
  4. mach03infront

    ID This SHRIMP

    yes i caught it shore line right off the beach ( i thought it was a Peppermint shrimp when i caught him and he was a size of a pencil eraser).... he is maybe the size of a quater a little bigger now ... i thought it may be a camel shrimp but it's only has WHITE spots or a white line no red at...
  5. mach03infront

    ID This SHRIMP

    i can't find the son of a gun
  6. mach03infront

    feather dusters

    try placing it in a different spot than where you have it now mine in slow / med flow i don't think there that picky on lighting see if that works
  7. mach03infront

    ID This SHRIMP

    oh boy .....
  8. mach03infront

    ID This SHRIMP

    yes and has a nose somewhat like a moose .. i think lol
  9. mach03infront

    Hey I wanna try coral too

    try out some zoo's and see what happens..just keep your puffer well feed... you may want to increase your lighting down the road though
  10. mach03infront

    ID This SHRIMP

    I've had this shrimp in my tank for a while can't figure out what it is? It was the size of an eraser on a pencil when i saw him but he is getting bigger! On his back looks like a camel hump.. HELP!
  11. mach03infront

    Hey I wanna try coral too

    zoo's are easy to keep and some are very well colored
  12. mach03infront

    African Blue Zoas For Sale

    wow show me a pic of your clam by those frags it looks beautiful!
  13. mach03infront

    Adding another Cleaner Shrimp

    post pic
  14. mach03infront

    clam has a big opening?? and it and can see through the other side

    (i just bought a new clam) i have recently put in my new nano tank looks like that exactly and i want to say it may be dying b/c i have a clam in my other tank if i even go by it when i'm cleaning my tank it will close for about 5 seconds.... what i'm trying to get at is your holding your clam...
  15. mach03infront

    What kind of Sponge is this?

    like mscarpena said it's illegal...... mainly all the nice corals are illegal lol and i'd love to have one of these sea fans purple or red would be nice
  16. mach03infront

    Some New Pictures 29 Gallon.

    wow looks good ! nice growth
  17. mach03infront

    Updated Pics, 24g Nano

    looks good !
  18. mach03infront

    Help with frogspawn

    hey big neat feather duster
  19. mach03infront

    African Blue Zoas For Sale

    man i always missing out i would have bought that whole rock of blue zoas ...