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  1. mach03infront

    How long should a Grouper live?

    lets see some pictures!
  2. mach03infront

    ? about QT Tangs

    i was just asking what is the smallest QT tank you can run???? i am NOT going to run a sump on the 55 gallon that i will be setting up around this month
  3. mach03infront

    ? about QT Tangs

    i have a question i have had my yellow tang for about 6 months now and i was curious if tangs can have a outbreak to ick down the road? or is it soon after you put them into your display tank.???? Also what is the safest QT to run for any type of fish for example i have in mind 20 gal long , or...
  4. mach03infront

    180 corner reef tank lots of pics

    tank looks very different than the regular deal ...very nice! just one thing your sofa is facing the wrong way lol.... j/k i can't wait to upgrade !!!!!
  5. mach03infront

    battle of the zoas contest. winner will be rewarded.

    I named my zoos 'sunflowers' i will posted my other picture later on in the weekend of my other rare zoos.
  6. mach03infront

    My 12 Gallon Nano Dx Tank

  7. mach03infront

    Frozenguy's 10Gal Nano!!

    beautiful looking fish ! looks good so far about how long is the tank?
  8. mach03infront

    New 80G tank

    speechless !!! very well done .. i like your tank alot!
  9. mach03infront

    My New Peices

    can you pm me where you picked those pieces from ...
  10. mach03infront

    My 12 Gallon Nano Dx Tank

    the sunpod has been great. a nice investment!
  11. mach03infront

    Florida Hurricane help??!?!

    lol ....... i have always stayed at my house for every hurricane that as hit .... pretty scared but i like to know what is going on 24/7 this last one was very bad one of our biggest tree fell over just missing the house
  12. mach03infront

    My 12 Gallon Nano Dx Tank

    just turned the light on zoo haven't opened all the way
  13. mach03infront

    My 12 Gallon Nano Dx Tank

    This is my 12 Gallon Nano that has been set up for about 2 months now... upgraded the lights to a 70 watts sunpod MH and added some extra filter floss in the filter box took out the bio balls and carbon do a water change weekly.. This is what is looks like so far. Fish: Jawfish (Bob) Black &...
  14. mach03infront

    Florida Hurricane help??!?!

    blah hurricanes ...... sorry but the only way to save your tank would be a generator that would be in my case... i live in palm beach county, FL and last bunch of hurricanes last year i was without power for TWO WEEKS... so it would be a good idea if you have lots of money in that tank.. to...
  15. mach03infront

    L+R view of 130 gallon

    wow ... very pretty! your live rock is very nice and colorful!
  16. mach03infront

    sps pictures its been a while

    love your tank ! need help cleaning with that coralline ?? just kidding ..... one day i'll have a tank like that ....
  17. mach03infront

    powerhead question???

    how long should I soak it?
  18. mach03infront

    anemone not able to eat due to shrimp

    yeah recently my cleaner shrimp takes my green bta food away also. .. i just wait there till the anemone is done eating or esle it would be dead by now cause of my stupid shrimp. rugh pain in the butt!
  19. mach03infront

    powerhead question???

    powerhead question. Just wondering about how long do they last ? Mine is a little bit over a year old... and doesn't seem to be as strong flow as day one... and yes i know nothing last forever but i was just curious about everyone esle.
  20. mach03infront

    deep sea yellow gorgonian

    also a coral that can not be in air what so ever ! treat it as a sponge if you do end up getting one