Florida Hurricane help??!?!


Active Member
Ok so here is my problem. I live in the Florida Keys, I have quite a bit of moolah wrapped up in my tank, and I don't want a hurricane to kill the power and my tank. What are my solutions other than dropping 300 to 500 bucks on a generator? All I need is the one single pump for circulation they can deal with no light for a day or two if need be. Thanks in advance

bang guy

A generator is the best answer but a few "bait-keeper" battery powered air pumps can produce a lot of water circulation. The batteries only last about 24 hours so keep lots of spares.


Staff member
Boy, does this bring back some memories. The problem with a gen is that you need to get them off the ground (way off the ground) and do it safely....surge=flooding. It happened to me.
If there's a way to make the process more portable, the better. With a reef tank, its difficult, because the lights could be out for a long time.


Active Member
I mean honestly if we get hit hard enough that lights and all power is off for like 4-5 days. I think my tank is going to be the least of my worries. I could always almost empty the tank and move outside for natural lighting for those 4-5+ days if it happens, but my fingers are crossed that it won't. I just bought 4 battery powered air stone pumps. That way at least there will be new air going through the tank. Just no circulation. hmmmm, makes me worry but crap the price for living in paradise is steep eh.


This is one of my worries as well. Circulation will be ok because I have plenty of bait pumps because I fish, but the lights are another story, with my corals and anemone. My uncle sent us something that hooks up to your car and acts a generator and it is strong enough to power a refridgerator so im hoping it can power my lights.

bang guy

Originally Posted by peef
I mean honestly if we get hit hard enough that lights and all power is off for like 4-5 days. I think my tank is going to be the least of my worries. I could always almost empty the tank and move outside for natural lighting for those 4-5+ days if it happens, but my fingers are crossed that it won't. I just bought 4 battery powered air stone pumps. That way at least there will be new air going through the tank. Just no circulation. hmmmm, makes me worry but crap the price for living in paradise is steep eh.

4 air stone pumps will make a lot of circulation.


Hi Peef,
I asked the same question when Dean hit the Gulf.
The best bit of info I got was about a Black & Decker 400w converter that runs off a car cigarette lighter. Our Dodge Caliber has a regular power outlet and it works well enough to run a air pump so I wouldn't need it. Of course it would only really help with a butt-load of air hose or in transit to somewhere with power.
I went and got a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) which should run for an hour or two and I also purchased a battery powered air pump.
I've read of people using bicycle tire pumps to aerate and ice to keep the water cool.
Other then that, I didn't find much info. I decided to move everything if it came down to it. My tank is pretty small, so I figured I could keep things going until I could move it somewhere else until the power was back on. After Rita there wasn't electricity out here for over 2 weeks. A generator is on the list.
Looks like we both dodged the bullet this time around. Hopefully no more storms this year.


I have used one of the automotive power converters. This plugs into the lighter socket or clamps to the car battery terminals. I then ran an extension cord into the house to the aquaruim.
This is where you need to prioritize. Tank needs air and the correct water temp. I ran my small pump to circulate water from my wet/dry to the tank. This gave some water movement as well as some air from spashing etc in the bio balls. I plugged in one of my heaters and covered the tank with a blanket to conserve heat. Did not need to worry about lights. I ran this about 15 minutes every hour and all was good after the power was out for 20 hours.
The key here is anything that you use give it a full test. Pull the plugs from the wall and hook up your back-up system and make sure it does what you expect it to do. How many times have we heard of the need for a back-up (Computer) and when it is needed found it did not work.
Good Luck,
blah hurricanes
...... sorry but the only way to save your tank would be a generator that would be in my case... i live in palm beach county, FL and last bunch of hurricanes last year i was without power for TWO WEEKS... so it would be a good idea if you have lots of money in that tank.. to invest in one!. just my .2
p.s living without ac for 2 weeks is complete hell!!!


No doubt. We evacuated for Rita and came back to a totaled home. Luckily I didn't have an aquarium at the time and all the other critters were with us.
I have access to a generator, but I need to get one of my own. You think two weeks is bad, try 6 months. It took us a year to move back home and most of the work was done with no electricity.
Any tips for protecting the tank itself from damage? I NEVER plan on evacuating again, so I figure if need be, I can throw my body across it to save it from flying debris.

Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
blah hurricanes
...... sorry but the only way to save your tank would be a generator that would be in my case... i live in palm beach county, FL and last bunch of hurricanes last year i was without power for TWO WEEKS... so it would be a good idea if you have lots of money in that tank.. to invest in one!. just my .2
p.s living without ac for 2 weeks is complete hell!!!
lol ....... i have always stayed at my house for every hurricane that as hit .... pretty scared but i like to know what is going on 24/7 this last one was very bad one of our biggest tree fell over just missing the house


We'd never left before. But Rita was, what about a month or less, after Katrina? So we left. In this case, it was a good call.
I WISH the tree(s) had missed! :(
There needs to be some sort of emergency escape pod for the tank. Or I guess I could just strap it to my back and attach a air pump to me feet. I'd look like one of those nutty guys at the park with all kinds of instruments attached.
Ya know, the ancient Greek kept anemones in glass jars successfully, so why are we having so many problems? Of course they probably had aiptasia!


Active Member
Bah ha, funny stuff. Thanks for all the advice. I am working at a place now that has a 450g SW tank and 8 250g SW they have a generator the size of a freaken tank. (seriously it is like 20 feet tall and 30 long) They said that I can take all my stuff there if it gets bad enough.
I did buy the 4 airstone bat pumps though. So hopefully no hits (fingers crossed). Good luck to all you coasties also!!!!!! I think I might look into the airpump feet idea though.


Good gravy! That sounds about ideal. Are they close enough to march to?
We need to come up with an Aquarium Marching Jody to go along with the feetpumps!
Where did you get the large battery powered airpump? The only one I found has one airstone. Geesh, how many batteries does it use? I guess you could use it as a weapon against the looters coming to steal your fish.
Hopefully we are done for the year. ohpleaseohpleaseohplease

Originally Posted by peef
Bah ha, funny stuff. Thanks for all the advice. I am working at a place now that has a 450g SW tank and 8 250g SW they have a generator the size of a freaken tank. (seriously it is like 20 feet tall and 30 long) They said that I can take all my stuff there if it gets bad enough.
I did buy the 4 airstone bat pumps though. So hopefully no hits (fingers crossed). Good luck to all you coasties also!!!!!! I think I might look into the airpump feet idea though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
It is actually an airstone, I just use four of them. 2d batteries each.
I have a live bait air mech for a bait bucket setup it run off a car battery and it will put alot of movement in the water and alot cheaper the little battery's and if it start runing out take it out side start your car put some jumper cables on it and recharge it.You can get them in any fishing magazine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
I have a live bait air mech for a bait bucket setup it run off a car battery and it will put alot of movement in the water and alot cheaper the little battery's and if it start runing out take it out side start your car put some jumper cables on it and recharge it.You can get them in any fishing magazine.

Excellent thanks for the input.


Unfair. UNFAIR! It SNUCK in! Where was our week to watch and wait? Where was my planning time!? Humberto! YOU SUCK!
I don't think this one is going to miss. It looks like my aquarium now has a big. giant. bullseye. painted on it.

BTW, the UPS works a treat. The power was off for an hour today (why? Humberto of course) and it ran the full hour. I attempted to get a generator, with no luck.
However, my bro came up with a bright idea. He say to get the cheapest inverter possible and just hook it up to a spare car battery. The only other things I need are some spare wire and a car battery. Got those! SO I'm going to give that one a shot.
T.S. #8, I have my eye on you!


Hey all,
A quick update. I got a 350w DC-to-AC Power Inverter from Radio Shack. It has both the cigarette lighter AND alligator clips for a car battery. It has two standard 3 prong plugs. It works no problem with just a flip of the switch in the back. I'm using an extra car battery to run it. It was $60. A LOT less then a generator. And safe to use inside (keeping an eye on it of course) I won't know how long it runs until I need to use it. But I figure I can pop it back in the car and charge it while using the other car battery if need be. Crossed fingers the power isn't out long.