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  1. salisbury a d

    When to add new live rock?

    I have been curing my new lr for a month or so and was wondering how much of it at what intervals can I add it. My tank has been set up for a year and everything is stable. What do I do? Adam [hr] Pain is inevitable, but Suffering is intolerable. [ December 12, 2001: Message edited by...
  2. salisbury a d

    Xenia vs. Colt.....

    Not sure so you will have to look into what I say. I think you can frag colt corals. Can't you? If you can then if you frag it and the piece on the original rock dies you won't lose anything because the frag should gorw back. Adam
  3. salisbury a d

    bad news for @knight

    The goby was stuck in the overflow one day and I did not notice. I took the sponge out to clean it and that is when the goby got into the filter. Don't worry the goby survived. My drip plate is home made so it collects more water on top before it drips down. Adam
  4. salisbury a d

    bad news for @knight

    Do you have an overflow or just A siphon tube? If it is an overflow you should get a small sponge to go in the back. You do have to clean it but it keeps fish out noise down and cleans the water of large debis. My yellow watchman goby is always getting stuck in the overflow. Once even to the...
  5. salisbury a d

    Should I buy an anchor coral?

    They did have it under Vho but they totally redid their salt water section with two large tanks. Very Nice :eek: Now it is under metal halide lights. I am curing live rock right now to build up my rock work and will be getting more hopefully soon. Adam
  6. salisbury a d

    Should I buy an anchor coral?

    Moving here for a pemenant home? The way you said it before sounded like you would just be staying for awhile. Well hope the move goes good and the tank is fine. Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    Rain Water

    No do not use rain water. If you collect it off the roof there are many toxins and bacteria and fungus spores. Also rain collects all the toxins out of the air as it comes down. Living on the West cost there is alot of polution isn't there? That is all in the rain water. NO! No! NO!!!!! It is...
  8. salisbury a d

    aquafuge refugium opinions

    Well do you have to get that specific refugium. I know there is a refugium that goes inside the tank. That or put the skimmer in the sump if you have one. You need the skimmer, don't get rid of that. Is the emperor your only filter? Not sure but isn't 10 high for nitrates. Adam
  9. salisbury a d

    Should I buy an anchor coral?

    Oh! Forgot to add. The cost of the coral is about one third of the original price. No one wants to buy it. Adam Also I do plan to upgrade my lights. When I get a job. It is so hard around here with the new laws. Any way I will eithere build my own Mh fixture. That or if I build my own vho hood I...
  10. salisbury a d

    Should I buy an anchor coral?

    First off the anchor coral in mind is one that has been at the lfs for about4 months. It was not shipped properly and less than have of it died. Since then I have gone back to the store many times for many reasons and it has made a wonderful recovery excpept for that one spot. It is a wonderful...
  11. salisbury a d

    Help with Hairy mushrooms

    For some reason they have been declining in health since I got them. Some of them are brownish in color. they have gotten smaller however some have split. They are located halfway up the tank in moderate water flow. I have 3 55 watt pcs. One actinic two white. Water quality is great and always...
  12. salisbury a d

    What could I use my 45 gallon for???

    Oh. Would a group of 6 clownfish work? I have read they can be kept in small groups. Or a school of firefish? Or green cromis.? Could I try my luck with an athia in the tank? Or is it too small? What will work? Butteryfly? Maroon clown? I eithere want a group of something or a lionfish. What...
  13. salisbury a d

    What could I use my 45 gallon for???

    Yes I have considered a different setup but my mother won't hear about it. She tells me to shut up and walks away. For all I now the tanks current inhabitant could live another 5 yrs. It is a jack dempsy. can pan fry the thing it is so big. Adam
  14. salisbury a d

    What is it?

    Not sure what the purple thing is. Maybe a nudibranch. The shell think. I had those too. Haven't seen them in awhile. Sort of like a flattened cone right? If so I saw a show once and it had those in it. They are found in Hawaii and the natives called them Opihi (sp). If that is not what it is...
  15. salisbury a d

    What could I use my 45 gallon for???

    I have a 45 gallon tank that I want to convert to aggressive salt water set up. But, what could I put into it? I do want a lionfish but some here say too small for even the dwarf. What could I put in the 45 gallon. A fu man chu? Snowflake moray? What????? Adam
  16. salisbury a d

    You spent how much $$ on something that makes bubbles?

    That is what I say but only I am the one into the hobby and saying it. Why the He11 do they cost so much it can't be that much to make. All it is, is a tube of plastic that has a motor in it. Adam
  17. salisbury a d

    HELP!!!!Unknown disease

    Sorry it has been so long to reply but I do not think it is ich. None of the other fish have this and if it were ich all the fish should have it by now. Help!!!! It is not really possible to set up hospital tank. I do have one more extra tank but my extra filter being used to cure live rock. Adam
  18. salisbury a d

    HELP!!!!Unknown disease

    My tank raised percula clown has some unkown disease. You know how at the edge of the fins it is transparent well now it isn't. It is a milky color and has little tiny dots. Also the whole fish is sort of a milky color too. HELP!!!!!!! What is it???????? How should I treat it?????? What are the...
  19. salisbury a d

    Glass bottom tank

    I have read you can get star polyps to grow on the bottom of the tank, and also spread. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    Glass bottom tank

    LS bottom. The only good thing about bare glass bottom is the fact it is basically work free. Bare glass is ugly being able to see underneath the tank and seeing the silicon sealer around the edge. With ls it makes it natural in has biological filter benefits when it is established. so my answer...