Search results

  1. salisbury a d


    Salt mix, reef suppliments/buffers/additives, fish foods, filter media, test kits, regular sand(as in not live), medications. R/O units and replacement parts, filters, heaters, books, refugium, filter accecories, uv sterilizers. Affordable prices$$$$$! Adam [ November 09, 2001: Message edited...
  2. salisbury a d

    Lighting for 46 bow tank with corals and anemone

    I have the46 bow and it is hard to get good lighting since the mh hoods are too wide. I am planning on building my own VHO hood with four 96 watt bulbs. Currently on the tank I have a double PC hood with 2 55 watt bulbs on the main rectangular part. On the section that bows I have a single 55...
  3. salisbury a d

    Adding more Live rock ??'s

    I would set up another tank but don't have a big enough tank or the room for that tank. Adam
  4. salisbury a d

    Adding more Live rock ??'s

    Since my tank has been set up, for almost a year, I have been unpleased at the rock work of only 26.7 lbs doing a balancing act on two chunks of dead rock. My ?? is, I would like to build the rockwork higher and maybe double the amount already there. I was wondering what is the most amount of...
  5. salisbury a d

    Which salt brand, and WHY?

    Not sure about morton iodized salt in a reef tank by my science teacher who was a sea mammal trainer at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut said that is what they used in the dolphin, and baluga whale tank. As for me I use Marine Mix. It was recamended from and bought from a friend who takes care of...
  6. salisbury a d

    Oh come on!!!!!

    The temp has been around 74 degrees give or take a few. In the summer though, but would not have affected the CB, the tank gets to about 82. Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    Oh come on!!!!!

    Clownman, Great statement. "Life Is like..." Thanks both of you. At the time my nitrate was 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 ph 8.2 phosphate 0.1 salinity 1.022 The lfs said I should bring down the salinity to 1.019 and a friend who does tank care for local businesses and clients also said the same and I...
  8. salisbury a d


    Anyone else want to add their two cents before this post slowly disapears. Adam
  9. salisbury a d

    Oh come on!!!!!

    CB=Coral Beauty Adam
  10. salisbury a d

    Oh come on!!!!!

    I finally put my cb in the main set up about a couple of weeks ago and come home from school to find it in the back swarmed by my clean up crew. Cause of death UNKNOWN!!!! Is it possible that my tank has "chosen" this is were the fish end or was it a bad choice to add it to begin with? I have...
  11. salisbury a d


    Come on too many tanks, Are you with me or her. There are only two in my bedroom one in the living room and one in the kitchen. If it was up to me I get one for every room and more. Adam
  12. salisbury a d

    My lawnmower blennie has problems!!!

    Every time I go near the tank he swims to the top of the tank for the food but that is normal since I got him... The problem is today I fed the fish and he at and then he sat on the bottom under an overhang in the rock. All of a sudden I look over and he is spazzing out and diving into the tank...
  13. salisbury a d


    Really! A book I have says that it needs a 30 gallon tank. I was thinking and a larger tank has crossed my mind, but one thing standing in my way... Mother!!! Adam [ November 03, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  14. salisbury a d


    What can you tell me about them? I am thinking of getting one and setting up a fish only tank. The tank is a 45 gallon tall with the tetractic 550 power filter and heater and a fluval 204. Currently it is set up with tropical fresh water. I am think of getting sand about four inches with lr...
  15. salisbury a d

    UV??Ozone??In reef tank??

    I am going to have to disagree with both posts. I was talking to the lfs and they had a good point. You should have a uv sterilizer reef or no reef. The good thing about it is when a disease (parasitic) comes up you can safely treat it in the main tank with no chemicls. Usually if the fish is...
  16. salisbury a d

    I need a book

    Three books I have and use regularly. Marine Fishes by Scott Michael The New Marine Aquarium by Michael S Paletta The Marine Aquarium Problem solver by Nick Daken. The first book is all about fishes. the second has some fish info but mostly on set-up and the third book has info on lighting...
  17. salisbury a d

    SPS id needed (pic in thread)

    I am sorry I can not access the pic I do not know my password, but if it is a porite it may have xmas tree worms living in it. If not don't know what it is. Adam [ October 19, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  18. salisbury a d

    What type of Rock does everyone prefer

    Around here it is not what YOU prefer it is what you can find. Adam
  19. salisbury a d

    Disposing of water

    Just don't dump it near any pond or major source of water. Last time people did that in California they went and got I think it was Culerpa (sp) taxifola band. Don't know who did it and prolly will never find out. See the algae spores acclimated to the climate and are overgrowing. I dump mine in...
  20. salisbury a d


    I add Tech CB both parts, phytoplex, coral vite, iodine, kalkwasser, calcium, reef builder, and I think that is it. Adam