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  1. tannersmith200

    Biocube 29g hqi!

    nice! +2 I think I would wanna spend the extra $200 and get the one with LEDS, then it'd be reallllly sick.
  2. tannersmith200

    JBJ 28gal CF-Quad....any suggestions??

    hey man I have the exact same aquarium . I also wanted to know the best option(s) for my filtration and circultation. I have learned a whole lot. I have had my tank up and running for exactly one week (I used the raw shrimp method). I have live sand and some beautiful rock in place. I will...
  3. tannersmith200

    28G JBJ HQI NANO CUBE (Need advice)

    thanks vantech! your input has been helpful!!!
  4. tannersmith200

    28G JBJ HQI NANO CUBE (Need advice)

    Thanks for the advice! My media box is clear and I could make one chamber like a small fuge. That's really what I wanted to do in the first place. My system did not come with a skimmer but it's ok becuase I have a AquaC Remora HOB for it. I will consider buying two upgraded pumps for more...
  5. tannersmith200

    28G JBJ HQI NANO CUBE (Need advice)

    Hey guys I just bought a 28G JBJ Nano Cude with stand from marine depot. I want to get it started soon but I want to do a little research on how I should approach this project. I know it comes with filtration: (no protein skimmer but I plan to get it a AquaC Remora HOB) I am sure there is a...
  6. tannersmith200

    Powder Blue Tang Coloration Question...for those who have had or have powder b tangsn

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper Maybe I get lucky. I feel like I know what Im doing. Mine is doing great. Anyway this color pattern will turn to normal in a week or two. Just feed him some meaty foods and get him on some algaes. Once he settles in he will be fine Yeah, so far so good. He is...
  7. tannersmith200

    My Sump Project Journal..

    hey good luck with the project. if you need some ideas for a effective but simple sump, visit youtube and check out this guy who goes through the steps of a 3 stage sump. I built one just like his and it's very effecitve!
  8. tannersmith200

    Powder Blue Tang Coloration Question...for those who have had or have powder b tangsn

    Thanks for the reply. I think he may still be a little stressed. At least I don't see any white spots on him. It seems like he looks more pale in the morning when the lights come on but throughout the day his colors become darker. I dunno, just my perception.
  9. tannersmith200

    Powder Blue Tang Coloration Question...for those who have had or have powder b tangsn

    Hey guys I bought a really good looking powder blue tang last week and got him in on wednesday. He is 2.5 inches and doing well. He is eating algae and staying active. Most powder blues that I have seen have a dark black mask. Mine is not so dark instead it is a little more pale. My water...
  10. tannersmith200

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    I wanna see more pics Dean! How are the rays doing?
  11. tannersmith200

    Ready for a bigger tank...what to buy??

    hey bro I upgraded too! I just bought a 160 gal bowfront glass aquarium with a nice cherry stand. Lighting, skimmer, and fuge came with but I will not use. The equipment is cheap and not as effective as I would like but anyway, I got on and searched aquariums. A guy had one...
  12. tannersmith200

    OctopusBH100SS I HATE IT

    ok so I had a problem with skimmers too! it's ok AQUA C REMORA is money! Quiet and effective! I simply will not look at another skimmer!
  13. tannersmith200

    How long will it take for my blue/purple maxima clam to attach to substrate?

    well I can answer my own question. I have my clam on a rock but he is kind of in a small cubby hole that keeps him nestled in place. you can see underneath him and I see a white long 'foot' extending to the rock. So I guess he is hapy where he is; low current flow - optimal light...
  14. tannersmith200

    How long will it take for my blue/purple maxima clam to attach to substrate?

    I see. Well he is my first attempt. I dont have metal hailids but I have PC's. I just wnted to get him high in the rock work so he will receive optimal light penetration. thanks for the reply!
  15. tannersmith200

    How long will it take for my blue/purple maxima clam to attach to substrate?

    hey guys just got a 1 1/2" maxima clam. its beautiful! I have him on a rock in direct light. i just got him in today. how long does it normally take for them to attach themselves? thanks! tanner
  16. tannersmith200

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    it's looking real good! I have an idea for you Dean. I know you really couldnt do it now and it would be expensive but if you could have ordered a acryllic bowfront panel to go infront so you could see the rays swiming around in the water from a fishes perspective. Just a thought Good job!!!
  17. tannersmith200

    Can you mix saltwater and freshwater fish?

    Originally Posted by Kraylen What a dumb idea... that's like seasoning a porterhouse steak with dried cat feces. +1 that's hilarious
  18. tannersmith200

    Flame Angel

    I bought one when he was about one inch long. Hardy fish. My tank crashed once and he survived. Beautiful fish. Go for it. Just make sure your water parameters are good. Good luck!
  19. tannersmith200

    What's your alls thoughts on Powder Blue Tangs? (PBT)

    I have a 160 gal aquarium that's four months established. I want to add a PBT to it. Have you all ever had one before and have you all had success with this particular fish? Thanks guys
  20. tannersmith200

    HELP! My new VorTech MP20 is flashing a green light and not working

    This thread is over. I called Steve at EcoTechMarine and he said it was a defective power supply. Usually 3/1000 happen to them (just my luck) but he has sent me one via UPS and it wil be here monday. Great service from EcoTechMarine! Thank you Steve!