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  1. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

    I know I totally lucked out. I have no idea where they got it from but it came out of the owners nano cube. It had been in the nano cube for over a year, and now they are "remodeling" the cube, and I was lucky enough to be in the store when they were removing that rock. at first they diden't...
  2. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

  3. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

  4. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

  5. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

  6. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

  7. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

    I was going to post a Sat. 6er but I think I'll just try and keep this going
  8. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

    I dont think its a mushroom because the foot is as big if not bigger than the disc
  9. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

  10. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

  11. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

  12. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

    this was also on the multi rock that I got the other day
  13. avbryce1

    who has not seen Napolean Dynamite?

    Originally posted by MolaMola The Big Lebowski is more than a bowling movie! yea its only one of the best movies ever "Is that a marmot!?!"
  14. avbryce1

    Lets see some color!!!!!!

    jamnman That gorg is sweeeeeeet great pics lets keep it up
  15. avbryce1

    Skarlet Skunk Cleaner

    they are much personality, more than most fish IMO
  16. avbryce1

    Skarlet Skunk Cleaner

    no they wont eat hermits but they do like to eat
  17. avbryce1

    Never had Salt Tank, HELP!!!

    :scared: stay away from undergravel filters
  18. avbryce1

    Any Lawyers In Here??need Some Advice

    < [hr] not a lawyer...................yet what he throws things at her?? is her boss the owner of the company? or is he just her manager?
  19. avbryce1

    Post your nano tank pics here

    yes the power head is in the corner I just stuck it there and it stays :notsure: