Search results

  1. avbryce1

    SPS tank with live rock rubble bottom

    this tank belongs to the owner of my LFS The entire bottom is LR rubble I was thinking of doing the same
  2. avbryce1

    Compromise to BB

    I was able to get some pics of the tank I was talking about I amn going to start a new thread with them
  3. avbryce1

    Compromise to BB

    It looks pretty good (at least I like it) it just looks like the tank is filled with LR you cant see any bare glass I'd like to get some pics as well, but I dont know how the guys at the LFS would act if I came in one day with my camera and a tripod :D
  4. avbryce1

    Need vacation ideas

    go to the keys
  5. avbryce1

    Reef Assistance

    that looks like cyano to me
  6. avbryce1

    Compromise to BB

    What about a LR rubble bottom? the reef tank at my lfs has nothing but Live rock rubble as substrate
  7. avbryce1

    New Coral ID

    we have a winner after lots of research I am 100% shure that its a Scolymia
  8. avbryce1

    salifert test kits...

    I like mine it was a heck of an upgrade from the red sea kit
  9. avbryce1

    help with small SW tank

    I wouldent put a clown in any thing less than a 10 gal you could do a neon goby and thats about it as far as fish go you might be able to get away with a clown goby but I wouldent do it. as far as the lighting, If I were you I would go ahead and get a small pc fixture the LR, fish, and shrimp...
  10. avbryce1

    help with small SW tank

    also let me say this, if you just want to "test yourself" you should not start off with a 5 gal tank. Nanos are hard to keep stable and can be very discouraging to some one just getting started in saltwater. I would reccomend a 55 gal you can get them pretty cheap and they have enough water vol...
  11. avbryce1

    help with small SW tank

    If you plan on keeping corals you will need at least PC lights
  12. avbryce1

    Yellow Watchman goby disappeared

    :nope: sorry to hear that
  13. avbryce1

    Yellow Watchman goby disappeared

    do you have a cover on your tank ? they are jumpers. also are there many places for him to hide?
  14. avbryce1

    help with small SW tank

    what kind if filtration do you plan on using
  15. avbryce1

    Is it ok to top off with Distilled Water?

    I too top off with distilled
  16. avbryce1

    need help picking skimmer

    oops here is the pic
  17. avbryce1

    need help picking skimmer

    or should I get the Kent Nautilus TE "23 inches tall up to 250 gal flowrate 650- 900 gal" the skimmer is for my 100 gal I am setting up
  18. avbryce1

    need help picking skimmer

    I am ordering a skimmer today and I need help picking one should I get this aquaC urchin pro " 20 inches tall for tanks over 75 gal"