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  1. avbryce1

    Which do you like better? (pics)

    I like pic 2 better also
  2. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    jacknjill you have mail
  3. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    that is a 5 gal tank:eek:
  4. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    clarkiiclo you have mail
  5. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    here is the pic
  6. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    first off before I post this pic that I found I need to say a few things about it. The nano in this pic belongs to the owner of the LFS that I shop at. He is not your average reefer. I would say that his reefkeeping skills are as good or better than the top reefkeepers that are members here. He...
  7. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    yea I can get a pic It will be a few days before I get out there. there might be some pics on -- I'll check later and see if I can find some and post them here
  8. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    my lfs has several acros that are growing like crazy in nanos with less than 48w..... 36w to be exact. so I say if you want to try acros in a nano than go for it. just remember that when you put a coral in a tank and your not 100% shure that your lighting can sustain the coral than you are just...
  9. avbryce1

    who has not seen Napolean Dynamite?

    Ok I had to bring this thread back up I had heard a lot of great things about this movie but for some reason I was putting off watching it. so the other day I was at my buddies house and he put it on, and I was able to watch about the first 30 min before I had to leave. Let me tell you I went...
  10. avbryce1

    Tuesday 6-Pack

    great pics and sweet corals you got an awesome deal on that M. digitata
  11. avbryce1

    College Basketbal anyone???

    Go Gators:cheer:
  12. avbryce1

    Can ich come and go in 1 day

    this fish has been in my tank for almost a year with no new fish added in the last several months and Ive read the ich faq thread several times. no I dont plan on treating unless I see it again
  13. avbryce1

    Can ich come and go in 1 day

    Ok I am very puzzled about my firefish. The other day when my tank lights came on my firefish came out of his little spot completely covered in what looked like ich. He was darting around scratching up aganst rocks etc. I immediately started setting up my QT tank but I stopped when I realized...
  14. avbryce1

    I've never done this...

    Originally posted by NM reef But....But....butttttttt The tang will be fine for a short while...and it will eventually be placed in the clients 220.....seriously.....but with each passing day it"ll get harder and harder to part with him. :thinking: NM it seems that you have a perfectly good...
  15. avbryce1

    suggestions please!!!!

    he might be stuck. If it were me I would try and try and get him to come out. you may need to move some LR.
  16. avbryce1

    rbaby cube (1 month update:img ext)

    great pics and great tank
  17. avbryce1

    moving a tank

    I just moved my 10 gallon about a month and a half ago this is what I did: first I bought 2 rubbermaid containers that I knew were at least 6 gallons each. I started syphoning water from my tank into the rubbermaid container. once the container was almost full of tank water I started putting...
  18. avbryce1

    sunday 11 pac

    thanks. the monti is doing great its showing all kinds of growth I'm thinking about getting a few small frags from it in the next couple of months
  19. avbryce1

    sunday 11 pac

  20. avbryce1

    sunday 11 pac
