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  1. avbryce1

    same old tank new pics

  2. avbryce1

    same old tank new pics

  3. avbryce1

    kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

    this thread needs to be bumped about once a month
  4. avbryce1

    lighting/corals questions

    the 175 MH will allow you to keep pretty much any coral you want just remember that the spread or amount of space that mh lights cover is 2 foot. I think you will be much happier that you went with the mh lighting.
  5. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    sorry liverock I just now saw your post my lighting is a current usa 2x40w 1 10k & 1 dual actinic my camera is a cannon powershot g1 It does ok for tank shooting but it has way more potental If I could only stick the camera IN the tank:D
  6. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    It wont let me post pics right now I'll take a full tank shot tonight and post it tomorrow.....
  7. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    shure but the only one I have right now is a couple of months old and I have moved some things around and the corals have grown a little
  8. avbryce1

    what kind of beer do you like?

    guiness dos eques(sp) amber with a lime red stripe grolsh st pauli girl becks yuengling, rolling rock, and sam adams are the best american beers aside from some of the micros
  9. avbryce1


    I think It is all sick The woman said that she dident want to be kept alive by artifical means. So this matter should not even be in question. also, let me say this, for any of you that feel the same way as Terry Schiavo did become an organ donor and you wont have to worry about them keeping...
  10. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    sexys on frogspawn
  11. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    sps macro
  12. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    some of my zos
  13. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    my syclomia
  14. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    yellow watchman I am looking for a bullseye pistol to try and pair him up
  15. avbryce1

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    first my fish :happyfish
  16. avbryce1

    vibe's 10 gallon bedroom nano

    vibe, when did you add the clam? I too have a 10g with the exact same lighting. what made you decide to try a crocea clam as opposed to others? I am going to try a clam soon also but I think I am going to go with a derasa. I read that they require less light than other clams.
  17. avbryce1

    Mobi's 1/2 Gal. Nano

    Yea thats what I was thinking about the temp. A tank that small would stay pretty much at room temp. Ckarkiiclo you like those zoos huh well I might be able to get a small frag email me at: and we might be able to work somthing out.
  18. avbryce1

    Mobi's 1/2 Gal. Nano

    Originally posted by ClarkiiClo That catalina is a cold water fish. He is going to get bigger. They prefer a minimum of 10 gallons. Im pretty sure he isnt too happy in there. I love the tank and the idea I have to agree with clarkiiclo . that goby is a cold water fish with a temp 68-75 and I...
  19. avbryce1

    Acros in a Nano?

    I really hope that people dont get the wrong impression of this thread. about 90% of the time acros won't make it or at least won't be healthy under anything less than MH lighting IMO when trying an acro under anything hess than mh lighting the deciding factor in whether the coral will do well...