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  1. avbryce1

    Show me the NANO'S

    woah bigarn your tank is looking great!! we may need to trade some zoos
  2. avbryce1

    quarantine tank

    yep I would go ahead and set it up and throw in a small cocktail shrimp. you may have to put off your new fish until the cycle has finished
  3. avbryce1

    quarantine tank

    yes you need to cycle your qt. if you use old tank water from a water change it will help to speed up your cycle. when you do add a fish to the qt, watch for an ammonia spike just in case. i dont keep my qt set up all the time so what I do is keep an extra filter pad in my main tank filter...
  4. avbryce1

    I'm very new at this..

    Originally posted by Pocari I think i'll get the fish you told me to get. I'll start out with some damsels and clownfish. :) How long does the cycle last? I should of checked around more... I did recieve the Marine Test kit. IMO damsels and clownfish are both too big for a 5 gal I wouldent...
  5. avbryce1

    What else to add ?

    Originally posted by tuningvis PYGMY andsome more LR ;) So is this
  6. avbryce1

    What else to add ?

    Originally posted by DEA_MT dude take it easy...if you don't have a coral banded shrimp you should get a cleaner shrimp or a fire shrimp. either one will take care of ick. either way i have a fire shrimp AKA blood shrimp and i have thrown ick infested fish in my tank and the next day it's...
  7. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

  8. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

  9. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

  10. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

  11. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

  12. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

  13. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

    a little mix
  14. avbryce1

    Lets see some color combos!!!

    I got some
  15. avbryce1

    In the land of enchantment...

    Man......that pic is unreal ...I quit:nope:
  16. avbryce1

    Kent Nano Reef part A & B

    Kent has come out with a nano reef supplement it contains Iron & Manganese, Calcium, Strontium & Molybdenum,and Magnesium. It comes in 2 bottles part A and part B you add 2ml of part A per 4 gal of water wait 5 min and add the same amount of part B which is a ph/alk buffer. It is a brand new...
  17. avbryce1

    Need coral ID...

    I was going to say clove polyps but after the second pic I don't know
  18. avbryce1

    Fish and nano tank question...

    as far as temperments go they should all be fine together IMO
  19. avbryce1

    Fish and nano tank question...

    well that depends of quite a few things. what kind of filtration, how much LR. etc. all in all I say yes....if you add all of the fish over about a years time
  20. avbryce1

    same old tank new pics

    No I swear its a 10