Search results

  1. drea

    White Fuzz

    i have some growing also, this isn't bad for the tank, correct?
  2. drea

    loose polpys (zoos)

    will superglue work for soft mushrooms as well?
  3. drea

    Need to get rid of GSP's and Orange Fuzzy Shrooms

    me me me, lol are u taking trades?
  4. drea

    i want some shrooms

    dadummy can you possibly trade me some pink/purple shrooms for some red ones.... dosen't have to be a lot, even one or two? i have red shrooms
  5. drea

    Want to trade for my red shrooms(LI, ny)??

    I'm looking for other shrooms.... even trades would be great or other things as well... these are very healthy and amazing, i can trade any where from 3-15 shrooms, i have large and small ones. :cheer: this digi cam sux, the dots are purple coraline on the shrooms, muche brightier and color in...
  6. drea

    Saying Goodbye

    i'm on here once in a while, it really dosen't matter
  7. drea

    i am ich paranoid! help

    update, tang is doing very well and swims w. the hippo and kole, they are alll happy,! so fa so good
  8. drea

    Pics of my Dussumieri tangs

    that is amazing, very cool like a mini ocean
  9. drea

    Moorish Idol... Getting one.

    when i gat a fish only i'll def add a morish idol, its one of the most exotic fish out there!
  10. drea

    any one in NY

    i got redrust mushrooms to trade if anyone for ny is interested..... looking for whatever, moslty low light stuff for now,zoo'spolyps'
  11. drea

    Pics of my Dussumieri tangs

    thats nice.. what size tank? how many tangs total?
  12. drea

    Calling All Tang Police!

    get a hippo, yellow, purple, or kole tang... get it small as you can, then when it hits like 5 inches get rid of it!
  13. drea


    i have red rust mushrooms w/ stock light on my 75 deep tank and they are amazing, started w/ 15 now i have like 50+ they are amazingly bright too!
  14. drea

    blue stripe shroom

    puffer32 i need your email, i'll take a pic of what i got and send it over to ya
  15. drea

    Rule of Tang (thumb) :)

    the rule of thub is tat there is no ruleof thumb..... see what works for u
  16. drea

    Purple Tang Tank size

    no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF A TANG OR ANY FISH FOR THAT MATTER HAS ICH, IT HAS IT, IF IT DOSEN'T HAVE IT, IT DOSEN'T..... A FISH WILL NOT GET ICH FROM BEING STRESSED UNLESS IT HAS ICH the purple tang should be fine in a 24 if you know what you are doing! and...
  17. drea

    Salt, Which, Why and Where?

    its weird, i was a non believer..... i used to use instint ocean, the oceanic... now reef crytals=success, my corals even looked better after one day..... fish all doing well too, i will use this as long as they make it
  18. drea

    blue stripe shroom

    Please do not solicit to buy. This is a trade only forum.
  19. drea

    scratch on acrylic

    i'm very anal........ they scratch easy... only glass for me
  20. drea

    Purple Tang Tank size

    will be fine for a very short period of time......