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  1. laxplaya

    Live Rock, Big or Small?

    How many pounds is a "huge boulder"??? and when you say "small" is that the size gives you???
  2. laxplaya

    Live Rock, Big or Small?

    when i get my live rock, is it okay to have no light on it??? my MH light is coming in the mail but until then i have no light i need to know if it is ok.
  3. laxplaya

    Live Rock, Big or Small?

    How many pounds is a "huge boulder"??? and when you say "small" is that the size gives you???
  4. laxplaya

    Live Rock, Big or Small?

    renogaw, what do you consider to be BIG?
  5. laxplaya

    Live Rock, Big or Small?

    I just got my 3 foot 58 gallon tank, and i have 50 lbs of live sand in it already. Now i need to put in live rock. gives rather small pieces when you buy, and at some local stores i have seen some huge pieces, 40 lbs. The dude with the 40 pounder said having big live rock is good...
  6. laxplaya

    How many fish can go in my tank?

    I have a 3 foot 58 gallon tank with overflow box, pro clear 75 wet dry with protein skimmer, and a stand. I painted the back and sides with flat black krylon spray paint. I plan on getting a Odyssea 36 inch metal halide bulb with 2 pc's also in it and blue LED's. I have 50 lbs of fiji live sand...
  7. laxplaya

    Egg Crate

    the light is a 250 watt metal halide and two 96 watt pc's will it still not melt?
  8. laxplaya

    Egg Crate

    :help: :help: i have a 3 foot 58 gallon tank with an oddysea light on it. It is a few inches over the top. To keep in my firefish gobies i want to use black eggcrate. Do i just let the eggcrate cover the top? Do i cut out for light to get through? will the light melt the eggcrate? please...
  9. laxplaya

    Fish list please check

    Fairfield Warde, and please try to keep on topic
  10. laxplaya

    Fish list please check

    I have a 3 foot 58 gallon tank with overflow box, pro clear 75 wet dry with protein skimmer, and a stand. I painted the back and sides with flat black krylon spray paint. I plan on getting a Odyssea 36 inch metal halide bulb with 2 pc's also in it and blue LED's. I have 50 lbs of fiji live sand...
  11. laxplaya

    Happy Easter

    **** Easter bunny gave me sugar free chocalate!!! Watch the language 1Journeyman
  12. laxplaya


    would a octagonal tank work? maybe even hexagaonal?
  13. laxplaya


    but the jellys were kept in square tanks
  14. laxplaya


    I was at my not so local fish store the other day, 20 miles away but really beautiful fish. They had these little lellyfish there. The little "head" of it was about the size of a quarter and about 2 inches long. They were cute and blue and they kept doing little flips and stunts in a tank by...
  15. laxplaya

    light doesnt cover tank, firefish gobies jump! HELP!

    i understand eggcrate works well and is not too expensive but its not the prettyist thing, it also kindof sticks out
  16. laxplaya

    Final Fish List (hopefully)

    please point out any problems with this or any suggestions. Thanks
  17. laxplaya

    Final Fish List (hopefully)

    I have a 3 foot 58 gallon tank with overflow box, pro clear 75 wet dry with protein skimmer, and a stand. I painted the back and sides with flat black krylon spray paint. I plan on getting a Odyssea 36 inch metal halide bulb with 2 pc's also in it and blue LED's. I have 50 lbs of fiji live sand...
  18. laxplaya

    light doesnt cover tank, firefish gobies jump! HELP!

    a canopy is way too hard for me to make, i am no woodcrafter
  19. laxplaya

    light doesnt cover tank, firefish gobies jump! HELP!

    what is an open top canopy?
  20. laxplaya

    Fish List for my 3 foot 58 gal

    will do. those dragonets are b-e-a-utiful! I will do whatever it takes to keep one.