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  1. laxplaya

    New hobbyist need help stocking tank II

    also, could i add a fox face 2 that?
  2. laxplaya


    4ft 55g tank 80lbs LR 1.5in of LS and a BTA and Hatian pink tip and other fish, is a 400 watt metal halide ok?
  3. laxplaya

    Blue Hippo Tang

    I understand that Blue Hippos need at least a 6ft long tank for swimming room, could i get a circular tank? I am not really joking but it would be kinda cool if you could do that, my friend has an octagonal tank and want to know if he can put 1 in.
  4. laxplaya

    New hobbyist need help stocking tank II

    and i will also get a second fire fish goby, M&F or M&M or F&F? or it doesnt really mater
  5. laxplaya

    New hobbyist need help stocking tank II

    doesnt live rock have pods in it? and cant i buy pods?
  6. laxplaya

    New Hobbyist in searh of lighting help!!!

    I want a 4ft 55g tank. I will have 80lbs of LR and 1.5in of LS. I want a bubble tip anemone and a hatian tip anemone. It has occurred to me that these little buggers need lots and lots and lots of light. I want some metal halide lights. Someone please tell me a good light (not too pricy)...
  7. laxplaya

    New hobbyist need help stocking tank II

    here is my updated list for my 4ft 55g tank with a 110g HOB filter (sounds bad but it is a really good one), really good lights, 80lbs of LR, 1.5in of LS, and a fast water pump. -Percula Clownfish x2 -Royal Gramma x1 -Pacific Cleaner Shrimp x2 -Red Fromia Seastar x1 -Bubble Tip Anemone x1...
  8. laxplaya

    need help with refugium

    I have a 4ft 55g tank and i want a refugium, what size should i get/make
  9. laxplaya

    How many Watts...

    how many watts are need for a 55g tank with 80 lbs of LR and some LS with a bubble tip anemone???
  10. laxplaya


    Guys i have torn thru the FAQ and archives on refugiums, i still have no idea what the purpose is!!! some have coral and fish in them and some have pumps and skimmers. I thout refugium was like a cave or a crevace where fish could hide from other fish.
  11. laxplaya

    My new 300 Gallon Fish for now.

    dude i envy u so bad!!! how much money did it cost for the 1000 gal and the LR and LS?? excluding fish.
  12. laxplaya

    Lighting Question

    I have a 4ft 55g tank and i want to put in 82 lbs of live rock and some live sand, i have a great list of fish to put in but the green bubble tip anemone i want could cause some problems. I need to know how many watts are necessary. Could someone tell me wat kind of light i need (no...
  13. laxplaya

    Filters, Filters, Filters!

    First, whats a refugium and second, how the hell can u run a fishtank with no filter?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
  14. laxplaya

    Best Light?

    whats the best Compact fluorescent light? I hear Sunpaq and Tenecor are good. I want an ok price too.
  15. laxplaya

    Schooling Fish

    thanks again! ur like a fish helping god!
  16. laxplaya

    Filters, Filters, Filters!

    I have done some research and it seems that wet-dry is the best. But, i have a freshwater (switchin to salt) and i was wondering if i could use the same filter. It is one that sucks up thought the straw and out the waterfall. I have a 55g and it is approved for 90g. I also want anemones and...
  17. laxplaya

    Schooling Fish

    Anyone know any small, colorful, non aggressive schooling fish to put in my 55g with some other fish. Its so cool when u see fish swimming around with each other
  18. laxplaya

    what anemone is this???

  19. laxplaya

    what anemone is this???

    Sorry the IMG is so big
  20. laxplaya

    what anemone is this???
