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  1. djcanis

    Pepermint Shrimp

    Bought a pair of shrimp yesterday. They are doing well, however; one is very red inside (heart area) and the other is very dark almost black. Is this a sign of disease or somthing. I am tempted to take it back but am not sure if it's from being introduced to a new tank or if it's on its way...
  2. djcanis

    Couple of random Questions

    First. I have noticed little green pieces of somthing collecting in areas of my rock. Is this crab poo. It's looks like it could be, but I'm not sure. Do I have to clean it out or is there somthing I can put in the tank to get rid of it. Second. Will I have to re-cylce my tank if I switch...
  3. djcanis

    Fish Help

    Here it is, THE POPUS HATICUS!!!! Laugh it up, it's funny, but it's working!!!!
  4. djcanis


    It's how inverts shed, but what should I look for, and is there anything I should do?
  5. djcanis

    Fish Help

    I went McGuyver last nigh and built a large seperator for him, it's made out of waterproof and screen. I have it in there after the suggestion of the strawberry basket. It's ghetto but it works. I have dubed it the pope hat cause it looks like the popes hat. I'll post a pic soon so you all...
  6. djcanis


    I just started to build a clean up crew. I have 4 Margarita snails and 4 scarlet hermits acclimating right now. I keep reading about molting, what exactly is it? Thanks.
  7. djcanis

    Nitrates Still High

    how much sand will I need? I have a 30 gal wit 22lbs LR, adding another 20-25 in a week or so.
  8. djcanis

    Nitrates Still High

    will I have to re-cycle my tank if I switch to live sand, I am moving 2 hours away in a couple of weeks (school), so my tank will be diassembled for a day. I've been thinking about switching to LS, but I already have live stock in the tank. If I have to cycle again, how much is the LS...
  9. djcanis

    Powerhead Question

    Thanks again
  10. djcanis

    Powerhead Question

    if I'm running a wisper filter, should I include the flow of that?
  11. djcanis

    Explain where your user name originated

    Mine is my DJ name. Canis = Wolf
  12. djcanis

    Powerhead Question

    I've been reading that the ideal flow in a tank is 10 to 20 times the ammount of water. Is that total or for each powerhead. I have a 30 gallon tank so do I want 300 - 600 gallons per hour moving or 300 - 600 per powerhead?
  13. djcanis

    Fish Help

    take a look, there is a pic posted of the fishes tail on the thread How Do I Make It Stop, believe it's around page 4 or 5
  14. djcanis

    Nitrates Still High

    My tank finished cycling last week, everything is at 0 except for the nitrates which are at 80+, I vacumed my CC last night and did a 25% water change and the nitrates are still high. I don't have a cleaning crew yet, afraid to add them with the nitrates that high. Any suggestions?
  15. djcanis

    Fish Help

    dumb question, how long do fish take to become full grown?
  16. djcanis

    Fish Help

    another fish has been nipping at it. I built this seperator to isolate the fish, just wanted to make sure I'm not wasting my time
  17. djcanis

    Fish Help

    Two Questions: On a previous post, someone told me that, if isolated, my damsels tail will grow back, is this true. And I recently added a new powerhead to my tank, my clown fish has done nothing but swim in the current directly in front of it. Is this normal?
  18. djcanis

    How do I make it stop

    and do what with them, I don't have another tank and I can't just kill a fish, this has been going on for over a month and it's still kickin.
  19. djcanis

    Rust colored dust

    cant afford an R/O unit, I distill it befor I mix and I sometimes use sart right or some other tap additive. Here's a question, I had a bunch of the maroonish slime algee 2 months ago, I didnt change anything just syphoned it off and cleaned the glass, it finally went away a month or so...
  20. djcanis

    How do I make it stop

    here's a pic of the damsel, could it be disease, I watched closely and it doesnt look like the 4 stripe actually bites the blue, he gets close and swims away