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  1. rod buehle

    Sebae or BTA?????

    Originally Posted by o2ngk First of all, do you realize on your first example that is equal to 87,500,000 or with one less zero is 8,750,000 gallon? Now you tell me what kind of L x D x H do you have to get to have that size fo tank and more importantly the size of light with that size of tank...
  2. rod buehle

    Sebae or BTA?????

    I dont consider the term WPG obsolete, I consider it completely usless and a term that should have never been invented. I agree with the guy that likes it to be perfectly dark :), and with the Nugent fan Wango Tango I can put a 175 watt halide over a corner step in a swimming pool at .000002...
  3. rod buehle

    Breeding clowns

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Oh yea lol. I left out the obvious. How many 2 lieter bottles should I use for the greenwater? I was thinking 3 10 gallon container for the rotifers. IMO, its much easier to purchase the phyto.. The paste from Reeds mariculture seems to work well for most and is the...
  4. rod buehle

    id anemone

    I have seen 100s of BTAs with colored tips.
  5. rod buehle

    clown help

    Originally Posted by Fish Crazy k am so sorry one more thing i cant have stars or crabs in the tank right? Yes, in the main tank. But the larval tank should remain bare except fotr the heater and air bubbler
  6. rod buehle

    clown help

    Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson
  7. rod buehle

    Clownfish Breeding

    I am in northern Illinois.
  8. rod buehle

    Clownfish Breeding

    I know.. The frozen is the THIRD food that my baby clowns get because its too large. Rotifers first, newly hatched brine second and then cyclope-eeze.
  9. rod buehle

    MY Clowns are sick help?

    without more info its hard to help.. Im not much of a disease guy anyway, so I wont be of much help at all. The first place that I can direct you to is to google Brooklynella AKA clownfish disease
  10. rod buehle

    clown help

    Originally Posted by Fish Crazy awsome very helpful i just have one more question so if i have a 5 gallon tank i only but 1-2 gallons in it and then put the fry, and then add as much rotifers as i can? Pretty much, yes. You'll want to tint the water green with phyto to help keep the rotifers...
  11. rod buehle

    Clownfish Breeding

    I havent ever played with the freeze dried stuff, but the frozen will be too large I wouldnt even bother with this first batch. Take the time to note the gestation period. Get your food cultures going (rotifers). and do a little research. I highly recommend Joyce Wilkersons "clownfishes" book...
  12. rod buehle

    Clownfish Breeding

    Originally Posted by Rod Buehle I wouldnt even bother with this first batch. Take the time to note the gestation period. Get your food cultures going (rotifers). and do a little research. I highly recommend Joyce Wilkersons "clownfishes" book. getting your rotifer cultures set up and going...
  13. rod buehle

    How long should my light be on?

    I like to mimic daylight... 12 hoursish
  14. rod buehle

    clown help

    for larval rearing, I use a standard 5 gallon tank, an airstone, a heater and a light. I let my clowns spawn on a tile, but many will collect them after a hatch (pumps off) with a ladle or something.. Some use a device called a larval snagger Here is a thread that just went through some of this...
  15. rod buehle

    clown help

    Your tanks will be fine for clowns to breed/spawn in but you will need a second rearing tank for raising the fry.
  16. rod buehle

    What Happened!!!

    If its solid, it hasnt been digested
  17. rod buehle

    What Happened!!!

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Although it might be waste, it usually comes out in more of a blob type shape and solid. . Typed descriptions are sometimes hard to visualize, but to me that sound like an anemone that is regurgitating its food because the chunk of food is too big.
  18. rod buehle

    clownfish larvae

    Percs mature much more slowly than the ocellaris clowns do. I have heard of males spawning at 6 months (tiny) but the females will usually be about a year and a half
  19. rod buehle

    Clownfish Breeding

    at 80, I would guess that your clowns will hatch at the 7-8 day mark
  20. rod buehle

    Clownfish Breeding

    If you are going to continue your attempts to raise clownfishes, you will want to culture rotifers yourself (its easy).. Not order new ones for every batch It will take a few days to get the cultures up to a density that you can harvest every day, but once you do, you should harvest about 1/3...