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  1. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Big Hugs!!!! Hang in there! Dbl the hugz from BTL n the wee one!.! We like it :-)
  2. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Its a bad trip, new problems has me worried. So...... food been down there allready, got a protein shake and sandwitch. Fish tanks fresh water only, no salties. I have my phone and cmputer but we are in an intermitent room with out acess to my laptop. No tv. Uhhh...... ohh well I'm going to make...
  3. jerth6932

    Hey, everyone.

    Welcome!!! We. Appreciate new b's. We do have fun, and its always fun to have a good laugh on 1guydude's expense! Welcome again!
  4. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Well.... since I'm updating this again, I bet you guys can guess where I am with my wife!!!..... this is truly getting old, but this is somthing new. She can't see out of her perifrial eye sight and she's WAY dizzy. No good! But now I'm sitting in the ER and I'm bored.
  5. jerth6932

    My Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish

    Wow! Congratulations! Ah, looking ahead to the animal crackers floating in tanks days! Just kidding, it was other people's kids who did things like that. My kids really didn't care one way or another. Mine was "er chicken nugget swimin", as my son threw his chicken nugget into my mix water...
  6. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    man lots of visits to the Dr... tell ur old lady all the people in cyberspace are thinkin of her! Glad to have u back too....all these new comers...we need help! Old lady??? She's 23, I'm 29......... id be bacwards to think that. :rotfl: she's more like, old pain in the a$$ :laughing:. I...
  7. jerth6932

    I need to know if this led lighting set up is good

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 I'm assuming 1w LEDs???? Not as efficient as some other manufactured LED setups. 1+ but could work well for you set up....
  8. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    I have been thinking about you because you haven't been around much. Swallowing rubberbands does NOT sound like a good time! My thoughts are still with you guys! Well lucky for her, they are encapsulated. So swallow a pill, and have it open with radioactive rubberbands inside...
  9. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Why is it, when life is boring it stands still, but when there's any excitement its gone as a blur? I wish life would take it at my pace, a nice leasurly walk so I can see and enjoy everything. Well with that said, I haven't posted much, but here's another update: Oct 17-21 replace G and J...
  10. jerth6932

    Show off your new stuff!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Xcali1985 Got an upgrade for you. Hand built Custom 240! Check out my build thread to see it. LED lights are in the mail for it. Very sweet!
  11. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude 15 fish bro? :P its watever...ive got 5 in a 20L and 6 in a 36gal bow! But mine arent big fish! LOL Im gonna stock my 75gal/50b sump with 9-10 fish lol btw ive got 4 acans now! IF the majority of them weren't schooling fish, wanting/loving larger groups, I...
  12. jerth6932

    Tanuki's Ocean Adventure (Some new corals!)

    Tank looks like its commming together nicely...... VERY nice!
  13. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Also, any one feel like flamin' some one tonight.... I'm in for it. Currant fish stocking list....... I know, I know...... but I have gone to bi-monthly water changes of 25g a change...... 1 yellow tang 1 McCoskers Wrass 1 Midas Blenny 2 Pecula Clowns 1 Bartlet Anthias 1 Melanarus Wrass New...
  14. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by kceast2yah Keep up the good work...Nice Tank! THX! It does all the hard stuff...... I swear....
  15. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Yeah, I'm excited 2 see the growth comming out! Other pics to come........ I question my method...... I have read on the Red Sea mag/alk/calc test that levels of alk 12.65, calc 465 and mag 1360. Those levels fine? I've maintained them decently well. Most people I tell my levels ars stating I...
  16. jerth6932


    I have nicknamed my inlaws "the mid-life crisis"...... something you are trying to tell us meowzer????
  17. jerth6932


    This is hylarious, my inlaws got a 91 miata on Monday....... I would say great minds think alike.... but I know my inlaws..... :rotfl: Congrats.... on the go cart
  18. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Time for another update to check growth..... April 10, 2011 May 10, 2011 June 10 July 9 (Tank transfer 90g) Aug 9 Sep 11 (for some odd reason its a lot smaller now....????)
  19. jerth6932

    Tanuki's Ocean Adventure (Some new corals!)

    Interesting way to do it....... how are the tangs today?
  20. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    I really appreciate everyone who have showed chels and my family support. Thanks!