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  1. jerth6932


    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Definitely never could do it, especially after I had a creeper stalking me during my senior year of high school. You know I'm sorry for that............. Hitch hiking???? I don't think I would even do it, and I'm 6'1" , 235lbs and I conceal carry. I wouldn't...
  2. jerth6932

    bugs suck

    Quote: Originally Posted by smartorl I'm old school, cheap hairspray and a lighter. Nothing like watching a crispy bug fall from the sky. YEAH...... Arson!!!!! Now that's more like napalm............
  3. jerth6932

    Brand New Aquarium... Am i doing something wrong?

    Quote: Originally Posted by anolan2 Im using API kit with the test tubes/ drops I have a few pieces of rock in the tank now that were not live. Is it true that eventually the bacteria will grow and the rock can sort of become "live"? will an undulated trigger be OK in a 55 gal? Thanks for the...
  4. jerth6932

    Brand New Aquarium... Am i doing something wrong?

    Quote: Originally Posted by anolan2 I just started my saltwater tank. Its a 55 gallon tank. I would like it to be a fish only tank with aggressive fish, most likely the smaller breeds of triggers, puffers, maybe wrasse, hawkfish. I may add live rock at some point. This is what Ive done so...
  5. jerth6932

    125G Pictoral Diary

    You are back, that's a sweet pix! Glad to see you didn't give it up! I feared that might happen.
  6. jerth6932

    bacon grease

    I was with you till you said Flavors....... Psss Darth........Next time you deny having the sheep, take off the velcro gloves........
  7. jerth6932

    125G Pictoral Diary

    Good to see you back on your feet! I hope that you can get it going in a better direction!
  8. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef You tell your wife that I want to hear some good news darn it!!! As always, my thoughts are with you guys! So do we, she has been hospitalized since the 18th. She really needs good news, hospital stays suck. They are draining on her all the way around. But...
  9. jerth6932

    bacon grease

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW why does this have to be a PG forum. I so have a comment but it is xrated. darth (hilarious) Tang I think u had the same thought as i did............
  10. jerth6932

    bacon grease

    Quote: Originally Posted by MichaelTX well I work for Mcdonalds so we threw specials after specials after specials on all our chicken products. The store I work was recognized because its the only store that saw an increase in sales as a chick-fillet opened especially since it was 2 doors down...
  11. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Siptang Hang in there Jerth... I have said a prayer for you today and for your wife as well as meowser today as I was doing my daily... Much thanks as always brother! Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 Praying that everything goes well, Jerth. We appreciate...
  12. jerth6932

    bacon grease

    Quote: Originally Posted by MichaelTX That stupid cow agrevates me something bad LOL had to see this summer when chick-fillet opened down the road from my work UuuuuuggG LOL Made ya go eat a burger, just to spite them?
  13. jerth6932

    bacon grease

    This reminds me of the Chick-Fillet adds (Cows telling people to eat more Chickin!), but its a FISH holding a sign that says "Eat pork, bacon is great, its the other white meat!"
  14. jerth6932

    Hey, everyone.

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills What does that have to do with the price of tea in china? Hey leave snake alone, he's trying his hand at internet dating......... Snake you'll get the hang of it. Personally I thought SantaMonica was the pizza joint, but that's the Utah in me........
  15. jerth6932

    Tiffany's 400G build thread

    Now with this tank, I expect to see a pix of you in it, not standing in front of it modeling it.......
  16. jerth6932

    Aquascaping Live Rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe I love your tank I would not change it epoxy it back in place then start building up the strength by adding epoxy to the joints as the pieces harden +1
  17. jerth6932

    Tanuki's Ocean Adventure (Some new corals!)

    Links failed as stated, and its good to see ya still around and taking it slow again!
  18. jerth6932

    Hey, everyone.

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 lol, Sip is new to me. I just try to get along with everyone as best as I can manage. Any updates? Getting banned once in a while does that to ya, huh? (Sorry couldn't resist...)
  19. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    She's. Still hospitilized. She had a bad allergic reaction last night ending her up in icu. As I am trying to become an RN. Nurse I was able to learn from the experence. Going to be here till Monday for sure. Long week in the hospital. No fun.
  20. jerth6932

    Happy Birthday Meowzer!
