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  1. zshain012

    Hairy mushroom dying?

  2. zshain012

    Hairy mushroom dying?

    I recently put a rock with about 7 hairy mushroom heads on it in my tank. But here in the past couple of days some of them have been dangling from the rock. Does this mean it is splitting or is it dying? I left my camera at my gfs house so I don't have pics, sorry.
  3. zshain012

    Wheres the life?

    it might be an anemone but I can't tell.
  4. zshain012

    Whats killing my snails?

    hmmmm....I wonder if something is killing them off
  5. zshain012

    my ricordea

    update: The ric settled back on its rock. I don't know what its deal is.
  6. zshain012

    It sucks

    Originally Posted by usirchchris I have 6 turbo's in my aggressive tank, and everyday when I come home from work I have to flip 6 turbo's back over . Sorry about your snail if it did indeed perish. Look at it this way inadvertently helped in pointing out a very obvious flaw in the...
  7. zshain012

    Whats killing my snails?

    I have no idea. One of my snails just recently died because it fell and landed on its back and couldn't roll over.
  8. zshain012

    Wheres the life?

    yea I guess it does.. I'm not entirely sure where my rock came from. Fiji, I think lol. But anyways, a chiton came out of my rock the next day. So how long have you had your rock?
  9. zshain012

    Ich!!!! Help Please

    yea I didn't say it was a cure, it just eats parasites and could prevent if from spreading.
  10. zshain012

    some pics of my tank

    awesome man
  11. zshain012

    weird stuff

    Originally Posted by indjen98 oh yea duhhhh from what i saw then were never "together" . Most of the time they were on seperate sides of the tank. They would swim by one another once in a great while. I think they are confussed and dont know how to do "it" yet maybe it's just like a mating...
  12. zshain012

    weird stuff

    haha maybe your horses are trying to make you sound crazy. No, maybe they are mating. Idk that much about horses. What ever it is, it sounds cool
  13. zshain012

    aptaisia question and my crab.

    peppermint shrimp works too and they're cute
  14. zshain012

    my ricordea

    Originally Posted by T316 Pictures always help.... haha yea sorry about that. I left my freakin camera at my gfs father's house. . Hopefully it's just moving again. I just heard that if a coral is turning white then it means it's dying.
  15. zshain012

    my ricordea

    was not attached to a rock when I got it from the LFS. I put it in my tank and it took it two or three days to attach to one. But now it's coming off the rock and is white at the bottom. Do you think it is just moving somewhere else or is it dying?
  16. zshain012

    Tank Size Question

    you just wanted a tank price, not lighting too. lol
  17. zshain012

    Tank Size Question 34g for $303
  18. zshain012

    odd bubble

    I can't tell what it is
  19. zshain012

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici If this is true and im sure it will be will need to add a addition to your home and go back to square one"Get the biggest tank you can"
  20. zshain012

    Going Along then tank crashed- Any help??

    yea I just use distilled water from the grocery store