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  1. zshain012

    Mystery Anemones

    peppermint shrimp don't always work but it's the best thing to get rid of the anemones IMO
  2. zshain012

    Best fish for small aquarium?

    Originally Posted by Dive Girl I love my clown gobies! They really are clowns too! My green clown goby thinks he's a clownfish and hosts in my colt coral. He thinks he's hiding but he's green the coral is brown. haha he's color blind like me . good pic
  3. zshain012

    Best fish for small aquarium?

    I say a percula clown of some sort and a cleaner shrimp. And if you get a clown, you don't need an anemone. Most, if not all, anemones get too big for your 10 gallon. You can get a frogspawn for your clown to host in though.
  4. zshain012

    biocube or eclipse

    post pics! It's probably an asterina starfish. They only get like an inch in diameter. They are great algae grazers and are reef safe. I would keep him.
  5. zshain012

    How Deep should Sand Bed Be??

    I was saying that deep sand beds are good, but I just like a 2 inch sand bed
  6. zshain012

    has anyone had a piercing rejected?

    Originally Posted by DeMartini That happened to my belly button piercing and then I accidentally ripped it out with a bath towel. ouch!!
  7. zshain012

    What Next??

    IMO dog face puffers need at least 100 gallons. They can get 13 in long
  8. zshain012

    How Deep should Sand Bed Be??

    IMO 1 in to 2 in of sand is best with 1.5 pounds of sand per gallon. Deeper sand beds (4in.) provide a greater anaerobic(non-oxygenated) enviroment for denitrfying bacteria. This will keep a lot of nitrates out of your water
  9. zshain012

    when to add salt ?

    Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB Not a joke. I was even told to do that by a trusted source that is a marine biologist. I think that he should have elaborated that you mix 1/2 cup of salt with at least 2 1/2 cups of RO water dilluted into your sump. I've done that a number of times and didn't...
  10. zshain012

    About Ready to throw in the towel

    It might be copper.
  11. zshain012

    has anyone had a piercing rejected?

    I've never had any of my piercings reject but when they do they push out like you are describing. It's pushing it out because it's a foreign object like a splinter
  12. zshain012

    Can this kill my corals?

    Originally Posted by kwpgrooming get rid of it. I had some hitchhike in on a piece of coral & took over my tank. Been fighting it for a year & still haven't killed it all. I did choke out some of my corals. yea I figured it would. But I didn't know so I called the local fish store and...
  13. zshain012

    Do Children of same gender marriages have more of a tendency to become GAY?

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Mowgli was raised by a male bear and a male panther and still chose to be with human girls. Moral of the decide. good example
  14. zshain012

    new to saltwater tanks

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Ditch the gravel and get live sand and live rock. Go to your local fish store, or order online. I would say you could put a small goby in there OR a clownfish. 14 gallons isn't a lot of water, and a lot could go wrong. If you want a reef tank, don't even...
  15. zshain012

    Can this kill my corals?

    I called them, and it's a type of algae. It's neither harmful nor beneficial. So if you like the way it looks leave it there but if you don't take it out.
  16. zshain012

    Can this kill my corals?

    Idk what that is. I seen it in a pet store today and it didn't seem to bother the employees that it was in there.
  17. zshain012

    what is the deal with Twilight?

    Ha, from the previews it looks like a crappy made for t.v. movie
  18. zshain012

    when to add salt ?

    Originally Posted by Bmorosco Yep when I first got into this in 1998 I did that stupid mistake and grabed the wrong jug..My salinity ws off the chart and killed all my corals....dumb... oh man....
  19. zshain012

    new to saltwater tanks

    get some sand. power heads. LR. better lights
  20. zshain012

    when to add salt ?

    +1 and there are many instruments that measure the salinity. I use a hydrometer. It's not accurate but it gives you a good idea.