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  1. zshain012

    when to add salt ?

    check your salinity levels and if they are low than put some more salt in it
  2. zshain012

    Finally Earn The Mated Pair Title! Eggs

    If you know how to put the pics on your computer than it's simple from there. When posting a reply there is a link below the type box that says,"Manage Attachments" click on that and click on browse. When you click on browse it will show your files, then you select which pic you want to put in...
  3. zshain012

    Finally Earn The Mated Pair Title! Eggs

    awesome post some pics.
  4. zshain012

    Moorish idol????

    I guess the dentist in "Finding Nemo" was just lucky
  5. zshain012

    What are they doing?

    Originally Posted by premilove this is the second spot they moved into since thursday..that's not a prob right? They might just be trying to find that certain spot. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless they start looking or acting sickly.
  6. zshain012

    Putting Faces to the Names

    this is me last year being dumb in the park
  7. zshain012

    What are they doing?

    I agree with bang guy. Plus they might be a little stressed out
  8. zshain012

    Ricordea moving

    Originally Posted by OceanLover When I get a free-floating ricordia, they tend to float around in the aquarium and end up somewhere they are unhappy. So I take a very small bowl (sort of like a condiment dish or salt cellar), add a couple teaspoons of the sand in it, and then put in some rock...
  9. zshain012

    Eggs? and Starfish ID

    the little starfish that you have can reproduce asexually so watch out for that
  10. zshain012

    why are my hermits dying???

    I have no idea dude. Do you target feed your hermits? I do sometimes, so that might help. I just set up my 8g a while ago and I have 3 hermits in mine which is one too many,I think, but they seem to do fine.
  11. zshain012

    Contemplating removing ALL sand. Questions

    yea I would just remove the sand if it's such a hassle.
  12. zshain012

    My new armor of gods zoanthids

    that's awesome
  13. zshain012


    Ok, cool, I thought maybe the Biocube lights weren't good enough for frogspawns
  14. zshain012

    Ricordea moving

    oh. I figured that was the problem, but I didn't know because the Biocubes don't really have a lot of flow
  15. zshain012

    Ricordea moving

    I recently got 1 ricordea and it keeps moving on me for some reason. It came attached to my rock but when I came home today it had dettached itself from it and was squeezed in between two rocks. What to do?
  16. zshain012

    New tank

    I love the rock work!
  17. zshain012


    thanks everyone for the help. And thanks, DeMartini, I'll have to get a frogspawn now.
  18. zshain012

    All By Myself Tonight

    yea I know it's like 20 F here too. I'm cold, but at least my tank is warm. so, what are you doing?
  19. zshain012

    Do most chalices (chail?)

    get to big for a 8g, because I know they like little flow and low light so I thought one of them would be great for my biocube
  20. zshain012


    what's a good anemone for my 8g biocube? I'm thinking about getting a stripeless clown.