What are they doing?


Active Member
Hey everyone, just got a picasso pair on thursday..ever since then they do not really swim around. they stay in one spot most of the time. today i figured that where they are now, seems rather weird. they are sitting behing my return bulkheads on my 28 nano...here are some pics

they wont eat mysis shrimp when i drop in the tank. i am worried they have not eaten since i got them..i feed everyday!
what are they doing in this spot? is something bothering them? help please? i was told that this is normal since they are new to the tank...

bang guy

They have adopted that area. Percula rarely wander far from home.
I wouldn't expect them to eat for up to a week after being moved.


Active Member
no prob man, so was i right then bang guy? theyve hosted or adopted that area? wow, talk about a lucky guess LOL


Originally Posted by premilove
this is the second spot they moved into since thursday..that's not a prob right?
They might just be trying to find that certain spot. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless they start looking or acting sickly.


Active Member
i am sgtarting to get worried. they have been in the tank since thursday and have not eaten anyhthing! the little clown does laps around the tank where as the bigger clown wont leave that spot! if i was to look at the tank, i can see the clown, spine facing me..is that normal? i tried feeding daphina, mysis and had nothng else to try so i put some flake in!( just a little) still nothng!


I have a juvinelle onyx I have had for about a month. He stays in the upper right back corrner of the tank. He even sleeps there, near the surface. On several occasions I'd have to check to see if it was still alive. Until yesterday there was a large pinstripe wrasse in the tank, it didn't bully the clown but I have removed it. I thought that maybe it was intimidating it, is that possible? All I am saying is I would not panic. Some clowns are display really goofy behavior, just keep trying to feed it. It is probibly just unusually shy. Try putting in the food and then, this may sound stupid but I have done this with success, hide. Sometimes they are too scared to come out if you stand by the tank. Here is my lil goof ball.


Active Member
You can try adding a little garlic to their food, I find it helps my picky eaters start eating, but if it's only been since Thursday it's still within reason that they may not eat in front of you. :) The hiding suggested by Lmecher is a good idea :)


Active Member
hey thanks guys for the replies. i added some garlic. i noticed them getting this little kick like it was drugs or something lol. well they had some ORA pellets, ate a little mysis dipped in garlic.. my goby loves the garlic the second i drop it in hes out of his burrow! the hiding makes alot of sense. the tnak is in my room, so from time to time ill sneak my head in and take a glance at these buggers. they usually swim around the tank..when i put my hands in for cleaning, they are very curious to see who i am! i thought this was odd bc they act so shy when i enjoy my tank but when i clean they are so curious. clowns right? i am going to keep trying to feed them..i added a GBTA to the tank to see if they would host it..
they only eat like 3-5 of the 9 pellets i drop in. the goby eats the rest right up..idk i just hope they are ok..