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  1. lietz06

    60g Scorpion/Waspfish/Anthias Tank

    You'r tank is going to be awwweeesome:) Can't wait to see the lil guys in action in there! All of your fish are so cool and 'different' than everyone else's.
  2. lietz06

    Riddle me this?

    Yay!!! Someone finally figured it out!!
  3. lietz06

    Riddle me this?

    was he horribley burned from the hot desert sun?
  4. lietz06

    I'm going on a picnic

    I'll bring my dogs
  5. lietz06

    I'm going on a picnic

    are there seats on the spaceship
  6. lietz06

    Life without Purple

    Purple KoolAid it's so good:)....which if drank in large quantities will make your poop green. true story, lol....i just learned that today @ work...crazy!
  7. lietz06

    I'm going on a picnic

    Originally Posted by Flower I can see it now...poor Pez sitting on the ground...all alone..holding a piece of paper with a riddle on it, half eaten sandwitches all did he die? boredom, loneliness, was he murdered by someone who couldn't figure out the riddle he held...
  8. lietz06

    I'm going on a picnic

    I wanna bring a picnic basket
  9. lietz06

    Riddle me this?

    was he wearing a parachute?
  10. lietz06

    true or false

    Originally Posted by Flower UMMM sort of true..I drink it..but love???? The next poster likes riddles I don't looove it either, lol, but i do looove the fact that it has like no calories and tastes good:) False, I am no good @ riddles next poster loves a man in uniform...and i mean love lol:)
  11. lietz06

    true or false

    True, that's when I get off work:) Next poster loves crystal light
  12. lietz06

    Riddle me this?

    I'm stumped, lol...I can't even think of any questions to ask. did someone steal his juicy juice?
  13. lietz06

    No Balloons

    yippie skippie!!
  14. lietz06

    IM back!!

    I don't remember you buuuut welcome back:):)
  15. lietz06

    Accept or Ignore?

    I accept more ppl on myspace...bands and such. but on facebook i don't accept them unless I know them...that's where I usually keep up with my friends a lil more.
  16. lietz06


    I get along with mine great! I'm very thankful for that bc I know plenty of ppl that def. do NOT get along with the in-laws:S So I lucked out with a couple carefree, laidback ppl!
  17. lietz06

    I got an e-mail today...Funny!

    this was a goodie:) i liked the one about the bank:)
  18. lietz06

    Do you use the AC in the car ?

    I live in New Mexico......yes I use my air conitioner:) fo sho! although, we do have a convertible and it's nice to ride around in there as long as it's not too hot bout 100 is my limit on that, lol!
  19. lietz06

    Selling my Nano reef tank, so sad.

    Ya, that's no good...I would totally take it home with me if I were you!
  20. lietz06

    My In Wall Reef

    the tank is looking great! hopefully you'll be able to sleep at night with those bright moonlights:) can't wait to see it done and stocked!