Search results

  1. lietz06

    Community vs. aggresive

    Originally Posted by Chrisb430 What kind of fish were you looking to get as community and aggresive. All fish can be Aggresive when it comes to being territoral. Well for aggresive maybe puffers or wrasses or a lil lionfish for community i guess maybe a couple firefish...i don't really know...
  2. lietz06

    four letter word game

  3. lietz06

    true or false

    False, I'm @ work-so no laundry for me, luckily! next poster has plans this weekend
  4. lietz06

    four letter word game

    so meowzer wins? yay!!
  5. lietz06

    A few pictures

    I love love love love love love love your tank! I love all the fish and how you have your aquascaping:) What's your favorite fish you have? How many fish do you have? I have a 200 gallon but it doesn't even compare to yours:) I don't know much about angels, never had any-is it normal to have...
  6. lietz06

    Hippo Tang sleeping help

    I would def. vote that she has the most original sleeping spot in the tank
  7. lietz06

    New Lagoon Build 775 gallon

    This is an awwweesssoommmeee build! I just stumbled upon it and can't wait to see you'r new pics:)
  8. lietz06

    post your fish list!

    in my 200 gallon I have -spotted hawkfish -2 ocellaris clowns -yellow tang -purple tang -powder blue tang -hippo tang -purple sea urchin -condi anemone -carpet anemone -bta -snails -hermits hopefully much more:
  9. lietz06

    Favorite Alchoholic Drink

    Thanks for the replys:) keep em comin!
  10. lietz06


    I haven't ever had any corals. Is there any I can have with 2 65w pc light fixtures...about 260 watts? I have 3 anemones a condi, carpet & a bta and all of them seem to be doing just fine in there. If there are any corals I can keep what are the best beginner corals? Thanks:)
  11. lietz06

    Favorite Alchoholic Drink

  12. lietz06


    Ya, I've only been on the forum for a lil over a year. Welcome back:)
  13. lietz06

    Favorite Alchoholic Drink

    What is everyone's favorite alchoholic drink? What's the drink called & what's in it? I'm going to a BBQ on Saturday and would like a good party drink...any ideas:)?
  14. lietz06

    Community vs. aggresive

  15. lietz06

    Hippo Tang sleeping help

    + 1! It took my hippo a couple nights to find her spot. She actually ended up picking the upper right corner of the tank, she slides right in and curls up between the powerhead and the glass-so don't be worried yet, be worried when you wake up and can't find her, lol:)
  16. lietz06

    anyone else cried over a fish?

    I cried when one of my clowns died last august. My tank crashed while on vacation..there was the hawkfish and 2 clowns left. one of them died and i lost it, i felt so bad for the other clownfish, they had mated up and i knew he didn't know where his buddy went or that's my sad story:) lol!
  17. lietz06

    Suggestions for next add please.

    I don't have any experiance with wrasses so maybe someone else can chime in on those but if you want something red you could do a flame hawkfish, i have a spotted one and they're very personable fish. something else colorful a purple psuedochromis. any of those sound any good? let us know what...
  18. lietz06

    Looking for a personable fish...ideas?

    I have a spotted hawkfish and I really like his personality. Like you said they follow you all around with their eyes. Mines not too lazy he swims to wherever I am to see what I'm up to, lol! He's one of the most aggresive in the tank and always messes with the newbies BUT he's the oldest in the...
  19. lietz06

    Community vs. aggresive

    Hey there...I was wondering which type of tank set up you like the best? Maybe some ppl that have had both can pitch in. Could you tell me a couple pro's and con's of each? I'm kind at the point in my tank where I could go either way. What do you guys like best? Also could you tell me what you...
  20. lietz06


    LoL!! he needs to close his legs:)