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  1. janastasio

    wisdom teeth removed

    Ha Ha! I'm an oral surgery assistant, know exactly what you are going thru! Suck it up!
  2. janastasio

    Got the kid sick...

    There is more of the aquaphor because it has the consistency of vaseline. I add just enough mylanta to make it a pasty consistency. If you add too much mylanta it is too runny and wont stick the bottom!
  3. janastasio

    Why do you choose to be here vs. another site?

    First site I found for saltwater forum, and its great, so why go anywhere else! I either on this site or on my chicken forum. Talk about being a nerd!!
  4. janastasio

    Got the kid sick...

    spider woman, too funny. The stuff works great! My kids diaper rash always went away immed. with the stuff. Also warm bath with baking soda. Just let her sit in it. It will neutralize the acidity that is causing the rash. Combination of those two things will make her much more comfortable.
  5. janastasio

    Kids and animals... let's see 'em

    Heres some of mine. Had to include a pic of some of my new silkie chicks and chickens. Cant find any pics of pets and kids together without combing over all of our pics forever, so just imagine they are together!
  6. janastasio

    Got the kid sick...

    Infant tylenol is fine for her age group. Its in a concentrated form. Just follow the box for her weight and use the enclosed dropper. The only reason dr.s started stopped recommending the OTC products was because people were not using the enclosed syringes and kids were getting overdosed...
  7. janastasio

    coraline algae

    Oh man, thats what I've been doing wrong. Boy those ducks and chicks sure do cause an ammonia spike! Dont you hate when they get stuck in the live rock and you have to take everything out to get them out!!!!! Thanks for the info on the coralline. I guess things must be happier without the...
  8. janastasio

    Do you like SWFs New Topics???

    I dont mind. It will all seem like usual in a few months. I havent been on in a while. It was a big surprise!
  9. janastasio

    coraline algae

    I took all of the crushed coral out of my tank several months ago and have let things just be. Did not add any other substrate. Just wanted to let things settle for a bit, before I add the next step. This tank has never really developed a whole lot of coraline algae other than what spreads on...
  10. janastasio

    Whose able to get into their outdoor gardens?

    well I posted it, so I think its a good idea! Alot cheaper than shipping saltwater stuff!!!
  11. janastasio

    New Puppy

    Aw alright......... still a cutie
  12. janastasio

    Where is Bonita?

    or maybe that huge carpet anenome (maytag)got her.....ooooeeeeeoooooew
  13. janastasio

    Where is Bonita?

    Maybe on vacation on a deserted tropical island doing field research for her tank....
  14. janastasio

    Just Nuked Some Ice Cream

    Argggggggggh, very jealous. Icecream is my weakness. Just found out I have cow dairy allergy. No more icecream for me......
  15. janastasio

    New Puppy

    Is the puppy a rottie? Couldnt quite tell from the different pics. Shes a cutie! If its a rottie, my hubbie would be very jealous! We had a rottie for 8yrs but he had to be put down a little over a year ago due to seizures that were uncontrollable. She looks great, congrats.
  16. janastasio

    Happy Secretary's Day

    Is there a drug or new fad diet for that secretary spread thing!
  17. janastasio


    This thread is toooo funny! I'm not usually a laugh out loud person, but I'm laughing! P.S. I despise linen. It looks great when you wear it once, but then when you wash and dry it, it wrinkles like mad. I dont buy clothing you cant wash and dry. I dont believe in irons! My iron is my...
  18. janastasio

    Whose able to get into their outdoor gardens?

    Its been in the 80's here all week. Heavenly! Its dark now, so I cant take any pics! I've been raking out the garden beds and lawn. Everything is coming up. Packisandra is plumping back up, tulips, dafodils, plumenaria, hostas. My bloodroot is flowering. I really like that one. I'll try...
  19. janastasio

    Time spent on boards

    I've been on forums non stop if I'm not outside or at work! I'm on this forum, although not as much as of recent, and my chicken forum. I know, chickens...... Somehow chickens and fish, strange combination!!! I just got 4 new chicks, soooo cute.
  20. janastasio

    Clown in a Condi

    I have a sebae clown that hosts a condi! Great pic.