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  1. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Do you think I should add any more lr? Or just leave it as is and have room for coral growth?
  2. fishkid2

    New pics from 24g aqp...

    Welcome to the boards!!!! Sweet tank, looks really nice.
  3. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Cleaner crew cleaner shrimp 1-3 peppermint shrimp emerald crab 5 astrea sails 5 cerith snails 5 nassarias snails 2 scarlet hermits Anything else?
  4. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Please read my post again. I'm saying I already have those fish.
  5. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    I don't think I'm getting anymore fish. I think 5 fish in my 24 gal is enough.
  6. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Thanks Well I was redoing this aquapod, so I still have the fish from before in a seperate 20 gal. I know this is a little too much fish for the bioload, but I had them around for 2 yrs. percula clown chormis yellow watchman firefish royal gramma cleaner shrimp Corals pom pom xeina giant...
  7. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Well the lr kind of sucked. To many small pieces and not really that live. Some pieces do have some good color to them though.
  8. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    I'm getting my 8 lbs of lr today. yes!!!! I already have around 8 lbs right now too.
  9. fishkid2

    ich or something else?

    You don't need to feed it live fish anyways. You could feed it something like silversides or kill which are frozen foods. If it was ick it would pretty much be over the whole body and fins unless its just starting or something.
  10. fishkid2

    other gobies and blennys with watcman

    I guess I will get a bicolor blenny at the lfs when I'm ready.
  11. fishkid2

    Lobed Leather stretching for light?

    If you do sell it, you should frag it first so you still have that coral.
  12. fishkid2

    other gobies and blennys with watcman

    Or I would want a lawnmower blenny
  13. fishkid2

    other gobies and blennys with watcman

    I have a watchman goby that I'm going to be pairing with a pistol shrimp in a 24 gal tank. I was wondering what other gobie or blenny i could get that they don't fight. I really want to get a bicolor blenny too. Would they be compatible.
  14. fishkid2

    diff between metal halide vs t5's????

    T-5 is also cheaper to buy and cheaper to maintain like wangotango said they last around 18-24 months. You can almost keep anything with either lighting systems, but t-5 maybe not everything, but a lot.
  15. fishkid2

    Chemi-Pure: who uses it? Should I?

    I use it, but I really can't tell the difference in water quality or anything.
  16. fishkid2

    question about no substrate

    Well imo I think sand is better. You get all those weird worms in there and everything. But black sand shows off more color of the fishes and coral that are in your tank.
  17. fishkid2

    What next?

    Well you are good with the fish b/c of the bioload. Do you have any clean up crew? How about some zoos or mushrooms?
  18. fishkid2

    Is this Brown Jelly disease? -Pics

    yeh if I where you break off those heads as soon as possible. also do what mx#28 said take out the piece to break it so the jelly is not in your tank. You could also suck out the jelly with a tube before moving it.
  19. fishkid2

    pistol shrimp

    Ok I will go with the tiger. Seems to be the best bonding with the gobies from peoples experience.