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  1. scottnlisa


    I have used ***** since I began my tank. I have bought around 20 fish and haven't had a problem do to *****'s fault. ***** merchandise is alot more then Pet supply plus so I shop there. I have a good friendship with one of the sales people in the fish department. He has a SW tanks at his...
  2. scottnlisa

    Way to go border patrol. Boy, the good old USA is really no better than terrorists or illegals using tactics like this. It is a sad day.
  3. scottnlisa

    My New Mis-barred clown fish!

    Originally Posted by Immortal4419 Thanks guys! Ive been really happy with my local ***** lately, Tanks are much cleaner less fish per tank etc, So ive been doing a lot of shopping there. Where as my other LFS has gone down the drain sorta :(. What ***** do you go to? I use the one in Wheeling, WV
  4. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Originally Posted by Speg Do you drip acclimate? You should test their water next time you make a purchase from them just to see what they're workin with... I've noticed that a few pet stores keep their salinity at some weird levels and if acclimation isn't done SLOWLY then the critter will...
  5. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Just out of curiousity what about bumble bee snails? Would it hurt to add these also to my tank?
  6. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Originally Posted by meowzer go with what I said...LOL...I have ordered a lot of cuc from there.....I am sure we mean the same place....CUC is all I have ordered cause of the shipping deal...the conch are small....that's why I say get 2, or 3 of the medium....they are maybe 1 1/2" SWF conch...
  7. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Originally Posted by Flower just an idea...look under reef packages at the left of this page and see what kind of CUC you would need for a 125g tank and tweak the suggestions to suite yourself. For example, I don't like brittle stars, I like serpent stars. I also don't want a coral banded...
  8. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Originally Posted by Speg why do you have bad luck with turbos? I think it is because of *****. They have a very very I mean very hard time keeping snails and that is where I buy them from. Out of 10 snails I buy, like 2 or 3 live past 2 days. I have checked my water quality constantly and...
  9. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Originally Posted by meowzer get 12 nassarius, 12 cerith, 12 astrea.....I think I know where you are looking, so I am trying to remember what they have w/o looking..LOL...hmmm...get 1 sally light foot, 2 (or 3) medium fighting conch that should be good to start, you can up the snail amounts...
  10. scottnlisa

    Need help picking out CUC

    Okay, I am tired of turbo snails. I don't have good luck with them. I have 4 emerald crabs. What other CUC should I get and how many of each? Here is what tank : 125g with 100#live rock and 100# sand. It is going to be a FOWLR tank. I am going to order a package off the internet that I can...
  11. scottnlisa

    In Ohio, estimates okay for issuing speeding tickets......

    Originally Posted by reefraff Uggg I remember back in the olden days before police had radar guns and they gave out speeding tickets. They are trained to estimate speeds without the radar gun, which in this case the cop had but the evidence was tossed at trial because the cop didn't have his...
  12. scottnlisa

    In Ohio, estimates okay for issuing speeding tickets......

    From what I have read on other articles, the cops have to go threw an 8 hour course and then they are allowed to estimate speeds. I also remember when they estimated speeds before radar detectors but they used lines painted on the road and then plugged the seconds traveled from one line to the...
  13. scottnlisa

    In Ohio, estimates okay for issuing speeding tickets......

    Yep, police in Ohio can issue speeding tickets bsaed on estimations and they don't evemn need a radar gun to back them up. I am not sure how long this will last but I think it is a crock of &^%$. If a cop is having a bad day or they need...
  14. scottnlisa

    Fish Hooks and Stitches.....

    I have had 3 kidney stones. That has to count for something.
  15. scottnlisa

    Fish Hooks and Stitches.....

    Try having a spinal tap done on you and you feeling everything the doctor does. Yep, not once, not twice, but three times. My wife got stuck 3 times by 3 diffeent doctors with no results within 10 minutes. And she felt each time the needle went in between her vertbrae.
  16. scottnlisa

    What GPS do you use?

    Originally Posted by lovethesea We bought the Garmin Nuvi about a year ago, her name is Linda. She is gotten us where we need to go without problems. My bro in law bought a Tom Tom, not sure of the model. They like is also. Her name escapes me. Right now I have a ViaMichelin. Her name is...
  17. scottnlisa

    What GPS do you use?

    The family and I are planning a road trip from eastern Ohio to Los Angeles by car. I can't wait to see the sites. Anyways, do you use a GPS unit? If so, what brand and model? I am thinking about upgrading mine and just want some opinions from ya'll. Thanks
  18. scottnlisa

    Why we needed AZ immigration law 1070 in AZ

    I hope the law is shut down, it's racial profiling and as I've said before I'd rather live next door to an illegal alien than a racist anyday. I agree there has to be a better way to solve this problem. Presidents past havetried to solve this problem as well why they waited for the Obama...
  19. scottnlisa

    Teacher beats the heck out of a student

    I know I would be upset, well let's be honest furious if a teacher beat my son; weather or not he deserved it or not. I just feel I want a phone call if my son is "off the grid" so to speak, I'll sign him out of school or talk with him and the principle together then come up with a punishment...
  20. scottnlisa

    I fought the car, and the car won

    My former father in law only said a few things while I was married to his son that always rang true to me and one of them was if you have an old car you have troubles lol! Sorry to hear about the frustration over one bolt if it were me I'd throw my hands up and sell it also... Hope your holiday...