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  1. miulloj

    Compact Florescense ... also take a look at these
  2. miulloj

    Month 7 Photo's

    I agree. I am beginning to see that the average SWA, at least posting on this site, is very influenced by the pack and belives everything told to them or found in "research" (which is not so valid when it is purely anectdotal and not empirical). There are many ways to approach a tank, setup...
  3. miulloj

    anyone run no filter

    I am sure that is the key "noone has tried it much. Many folks get caught up in the hype and high tech (I'm an advocate of low tech cost effective alternatives being a technology consultant ... go figure) craze which is sometimes driven by marketing and perceived utility but little real data...
  4. miulloj

    Compact Florescense ...

    Aren't CF bulbs in standard sockets the most cost effective way to go for smaller tanks? I mean, I can fit 2 75W equiv CFs for about $6 for 150W on a 20 Gal and replacement is about every 10,000 hours. Why go another route?
  5. miulloj

    Must it be high tech?

    Starting a nano 15G High does it have to be high tech? [hr] Trying a low cost high impact design. 15 Gallon High with a 150 GPM cheapo power filter, cheapo 75w heater, incandescent hood with 2x13W CF bulbs = 120 watts and crushed oyster shell substrate from the feed store with a little black...
  6. miulloj

    Heater for 35 gallon?

    The rule of thumb is 5 watts per gallon.
  7. miulloj

    Jj is starting a nano 15G High!
