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  1. thud

    ***** Using Cyanide?! actually sells that Marine Fish book, but I think it costs a bit more.
  2. thud

    New tank questions

    LS - Live Sand CC - Crushed Coral
  3. thud

    New tank questions

    That would depend on what you're adding to the tank, I would recommend buying some bacteria and/or "Sechems" New Tank Stabilization System" Normally it takes about a month for a tank to cycle.
  4. thud

    ***** Using Cyanide?!

    Check out the book "Marine Fish" I forget the author but it has descriptions or 500+ species of salt water fish. They talk about it in the beginning. The book is like $19.00. Cyanide solutions are used extensively to catch live reef fish for consumption and ornamental purposes. The...
  5. thud

    Choosing anenomes

    Originally Posted by tropills better do a little more research yourself If you actually read my post you will find that nowhere did I say the thread starter had a sebae. Do some research on reading/writing. I can tell you're from upstate new york. Your tank is probably making your trailer...
  6. thud

    I Need Bacteria!!!

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Ich will not survive without a host. Because of ich's life cycle they can go for several weeks without a host though. For bacteria for the qt you can place a sponge filter into your DT, let it gather bacteria for several days and then place it into your QT. Many...
  7. thud

    Anemones lighting

    Originally Posted by CAM78 Think any anemones would do ok under Power Compacts? Hilde Lighting - 150 watts for a 20 inch tank. I JUST read about this.
  8. thud

    Algae Question

    Originally Posted by CAM78 There is some hair algae growing on my green star poylp. Should I be pulling it off or will this damage the coral. Also If I do pull it off do I do it inside the tank or take the coral out? Macro Algae removes nitrates.
  9. thud


    Originally Posted by scuba_kid I have got a 55gal salt water tank no fish yet and its cycling right now my question is that i want to have a community tank but my wife wants a shark is there any kind of small shark that i can get that isn't very aggressive thanks alex Nurse shark? but only with...
  10. thud

    ***** Using Cyanide?!

    I just reread the posts in this thread. People - In order to catch these fish, they put a small amount of cyanide into the water to stun the fish - easy catching as opposed to catching them without it. ONLY BUY Net Caught fish... Otherwise you're wasting your $30 - $100 per fish. Buying fish...
  11. thud

    ***** Using Cyanide?!

    Potassium cyanide to stun fish. That is why people are always telling others to make sure the fish are CERTIFIED and/or NET CAUGHT. Only buy netcaught fish otherwise they are going to die. I've bought fish from *****, guess what happened to them. (didn't last long) I now have all net caught fish...
  12. thud

    Tank still cloudy from sand!

    Wait it out and/or get a particle skimmer and/or a diatom filter to help clear the water. You may also want to get water clarifier from seachem which will make all the tiny particles in the water fuse together into clumps, then your filter will remove it. It is safe for reef and fish.
  13. thud

    miracle mud is it good

    Grow some mini mangroves in it to remove nitrates =)
  14. thud

    Choosing anenomes

    Clownfish will only use Sebae Anemones. Other anemones could sting your clowns and release toxins. Make sure you do your research before buying two different anemones as well. Toxins from one could kill the other...