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  1. shnabbles

    first pics and some creatures

    The last 2 snail pics were you said it comes up out of the sand when you feed is the Nassarius Snail.
  2. shnabbles

    Our New BABY.......

    sorry for my ignorance but do snails grow their own shell?? Im thinking yes since usually spacific species have the same shells
  3. shnabbles

    Feeding LM Blennie

    Monday I added a Lawn Mower Blennie to my tank... He swims around and bites at some of the Algea in the tank.. but i also see him biting at nothing on the rocks.. I dont know if some of the algea is invisible or if he is just seeing if any is there... Well i bought some of the Seaweed Selects...
  4. shnabbles

    Our New BABY.......

    Im sorry... what is it :confused: ?
  5. shnabbles

    2 weeks and no change???

    Damsels are usually hardy enough to survive the ammonia spike as long as it doesnt GET to HIGH! .... Alot of people dont recommend this method anymore but at least youll have something in the tank to look at.
  6. shnabbles


    what are your thoughts sw65galma?? I was thinking more nass snails since they are so small and i have alot of sand... And i wasnt thinking anymore then 5 tubos any either. I aready have 3 Funnel Turbos 3 Scarlet Hermets and a couple different shrimp.
  7. shnabbles


    MsCoral from what i hear there is a nice place in baltimore.
  8. shnabbles

    got a questong

    What is Reef AA??? Do they have a site?
  9. shnabbles

    crazy LFS prices

    Curse retail stores!
  10. shnabbles


    Im looking for recommendations on how many Nassarius snails to add to my 55 Gallon tank... the Sand bed is 3-4 inches deep... I am assuming thats a DSB?? Also how many turbos are recommended?
  11. shnabbles

    Brown Algae or Diatoms

    Im in the answer aswell.
  12. shnabbles

    strange thing in tank...

    Sounds like the Sulfar Bacteria i got in my tank during its cycle.... Is it on the rocks? Peel some of it off if it smells like Sulfar or old eggs thats what it is.... mine is dieing off on its on.
  13. shnabbles

    When to add cleaning crew?

    When is a good time to add the cleaning crew? Can you have them while the tank cycles?
  14. shnabbles

    Foam with sand?

    Thanks Bang, should i remove it with a net? i dont have a filter set up yet...... or will it just go away?
  15. shnabbles

    Foam with sand?

    I just added some water to the parcial sand bed i have set up and there is foam around the top..... The sand i used is Carib sea Aragonite and says "minimal rinsing required" The guy at the LFS told me he wouldnt even rince it because its so fine, and it actually already feels wet. It seems...
  16. shnabbles

    ADDING Sand???

    ok im in the process of starting the 55 gallon tank... i would like a nice 2-3 inch sand bed... i have already added 1 30 pound bag of sand... i have another 30 pound bag and a 20 pound bag of LS...... 80lbs of sand is ALOT RIGHT? i definently want to use all of the LS and probally only some of...
  17. shnabbles

    Tap Water?

    What distilled water usually run a gallon? 50 cents?
  18. shnabbles

    LC, or LS?

    one of the LFS near me sells live crushed coral i think its 20.95 a bag.... they also sell live sand i think its 29.95 for a 20 pound bag.... what are pros and cons to each LS and LC?
  19. shnabbles

    Tap Water?

    Is it ok to use Tap water for the tank set up? its a 55 gallon.
  20. shnabbles

    Setting up the tank?

    no we are going to go with like 80% BR to keep costs down.. i was wondering the best place to put the LR to hopefully make it spread faster