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  1. shnabbles

    Setting up the tank?

    does it matter if LR is on top or under the BR?
  2. shnabbles

    Setting up the tank?

    Whats the first step in setting up the tank? Should i have all the sand and rock in the tank before i add water? Should i run the filters while the "stand storm" is going on or wait for it to end? How soon can i add a clean up crew? or should i not even add them during the cycle? And can you use...
  3. shnabbles

    Let the games begin!!

    Well im probally going to do MOStLY BR im actually going to use HI ROcks i think and just a couple pounds of LR... I thought by adding the salt sand and water now i could cut down on some of the waiting for the sand storm to calm down. But the HI Rocks will start the cycle over again wont it?
  4. shnabbles

    Let the games begin!!

    Alright today we went out and purchased the tank and stand for our 55 gallon set up . We have decided to get most of our filters and what not online since all of the LFS's are very expensive.... We are going to get the LS, reg sand and salt at a local fish store though.. Our question is if we...
  5. shnabbles

    Types of Base Rock

    What types of rock do you guys use besides dead coral? Has anyone bought rocks from like landscaper?? I was thinking shale rock would make for building a a nice stepped wall.
  6. shnabbles

    DIY Liverock

    Thats 1 of the problems with the bay... anymore sellers wont give you feedback till you leave your feedback and if you leave a negative they give you negative.... ---- is full of scammers!!!!!! ---- is a scam in itself lol.
  7. shnabbles

    Lighting question? Is this enough?

    Thanks is $80.00 a good deal for that or do you think i can find cheaper?
  8. shnabbles

    Lighting question? Is this enough?

    55 gallon
  9. shnabbles

    Lighting question? Is this enough?

    Im going to post the info from a auction can you guys please leave some feed back on if this light would work well for corals and some soft anenome? Brand New In Box JEBO 48" 220W(55wx4) Power Compact lighting. SIZE: 48"L x 6.5"W x 2.25"H FEATURES: Sleek Aluminum Housing (Available in SILVER...
  10. shnabbles

    All base rock??

    If i use all base rock (to cut cost down) and use 50/50 Live sand and base sand will the rock eventually all become live? Or would it be wise to atleast get alittle chunk (maybe a couple pounds) of LR to get it all started?
  11. shnabbles

    Baserock to LR?

    Ya is that bad? cause to me it sounds like BR is turning into LR... but dont take my word for it cause i know nothing yet :)
  12. shnabbles

    My Newbie Tank

    hey can you please tell me what kind of set up your using for filtration and lighting? Me and my wife are trying to figure out the info for a similar tank.
  13. shnabbles

    Lighting Time Setup?

    what did you pay for that set up about 200?
  14. shnabbles

    Lighting Time Setup?

    So your using a regular hood and not a metal halide?
  15. shnabbles

    55g Plan so far

    Do corals need the metal halide? Im trying to keep costs down can coral thrive on VHO bulbs?
  16. shnabbles

    Lighting Time Setup?

    Just wondering are you going to have corals or anenomies?
  17. shnabbles

    55g Plan so far

    Im actually trying to figure out the lighting now.
  18. shnabbles

    Lighting Questions?

    Do most hoods hold 3 bulbs?
  19. shnabbles

    Lighting Questions?

    thats what i was thinking... so i know you recommende 330 watts of VHO lighting... is that 2 bulbs 330 each or 2 bulbs totalling 330 watts???
  20. shnabbles

    Lighting Questions?

    So should i get the expensive lights now so i have them when im ready? Or should i start out with less expensive lights and when im ready for anenomies and coral go get the better lights?