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  1. agent-x

    New Tank

    I'm new at this hobby, but it seems like a lot of fish for a 14g.
  2. agent-x

    Help please

    nevermind, I saw the pics. Thanks for the response
  3. agent-x

    Help please

    Originally Posted by yerboy I test everything you mentioned plus phosphates. what do you keep in your aquarium?
  4. agent-x

    Help please

    I am going to purchase a test kit online. I just bought a biocube 29 and want to have corrals. What all do i need to test for? I know that basics such as PH, NO2, NO3, Ammonia, Calcium, PO4 and ALK. What else do I need? Also, could someone recomend a good book to get to help me along the way...
  5. agent-x

    Powerhead Size

    I wonder what the actual capacity of the "size' 29 Biocube is.
  6. agent-x

    Powerhead Size

    Originally Posted by AZReefGirl No, it held 23 gallons with NOTHING else in it! I added water to a completely empty tank, when it reached the fill line, I had 7 gallons of water left over from my original 30 gallons! I am aware of the concept of displacement, and do understand that the tank...
  7. agent-x

    Putting Faces to the Names

    From October I'm on the left One of my Dogs My other one and a close encounter
  8. agent-x

    25 gallon cadlights HQI nano

    Link didn't work for me.
  9. agent-x

    Powerhead Size

    Originally Posted by jacksonpt You'll want a powerhead that gives a flow rate of 15-20 times the volume of your tank. So if you have a 29g tank, look for a pump that gives somethign in the range of 400-600gph. Thanks for the advice.
  10. agent-x

    Powerhead Size

    I wouldn't think that any of the cubes hold what they state they do. Once you add substrate and LR you have displaced an amount of water. Not that it's going displace 6 gallons, but that could acount for some variance.
  11. agent-x

    Powerhead Size

    What size do you guys/girls use for your cube? I have a 29g BC and was wondering what to upgrade the pump to. I was thinking of using the MaxiJet 1200?
  12. agent-x

    3.36 or 4.36

    Anyone??? :help:
  13. agent-x


    thanks, I found one and made a new post about the mods. Forgive all my posts. I am fairly new to this hobby and want to make the right choices.
  14. agent-x

    Lighting times

    so about 9 hours of full "daylight" and an hour before and after of actinic. and the rest moon. that's more or less what I wanted to know.
  15. agent-x

    Lighting times

    Ok, so I want to do the whole sunrise sunset affect in my cube. Could someone who is currently doing this or who has done this please give me some advice.
  16. agent-x

    3.36 or 4.36

    Has anyone done the DIY from nanocustoms either the 3.36 or 4.36. If so, how easy was it and do you have after pictures of the tank with these mods?
  17. agent-x


    so I bought a BC29g and I want to know if anyone knows if they make they bulbs in a higher wattage? I'm not quite ready to switch to MH's and would like to try the stok lights for now or upgrade to a higher watt if they make them. The place I got it had one setup and they were using the stcok...
  18. agent-x

    24g Aquapod

    Thanks for the info. I ended up going with the 29g BioCube.
  19. agent-x

    24g Aquapod

    I am going out today and looking for a 24g Aquapod. I am either going to get the 70w MH or the 150w MH. could anyone tell me the prices I could expect to pay fopr either of these. Also could some one please tell me the difference in what I would be able to keep in each one based on lighting...
  20. agent-x


    Does anyone know of a good LFS in the Austin, TX area? I recently moved from KC to Austin area and had to sell my nano when i left. I am ready to get either a 24 nano or 24 aquapod and need a good place to go for that and in the future livestock. any help would be appreciated.