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  1. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Well you know how they sell "shark formula"? Do you think they sell "Lionfish Formula"?
  2. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    If you were me what would you do? And where would i fill out the form at and how do i get one?
  3. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Do you all think he will take frozen foods? Somehow I think I'm just going to have to start breeding ghost shrimp.
  4. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    ok,sorry for the delay again. Um, yeah I think the crack is to big, i can see where it runs too. The piece of glass at the top is broken but theres a crack/scratch running towards the bottom. Thats ok, you can keep the skimmer So if I do a file claim, what does that mainly do?Is like taking...
  5. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Originally Posted by jcrim If he'll eat dead ghost shrimp, why not just get a bunch of those suckers... freeze them up then thaw as needed. Eventually it will start eating other things. I did, but he wont eat it frozen. I just took a ghost shrimp that was live and stabbed him on the feeding...
  6. cartman101

    New atlantic Stingray / Cali ray what fish can I get????

    I would love to see a picture of him if possible.
  7. cartman101

    Any1 have (AIM) AOL Instant Messager

    yup, I do 2
  8. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Originally Posted by trainfever To tell you the truth, I don't bother reading your posts because you dont bother reading them before you post them. They invented puctuation for a reason. I'm not talking about a few errors, your posts are just impossible to comprehend. READ them before you post...
  9. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Jcrim, I had that idea to, keep the frozen krill in with some frozen ghost shrimp right? Didn't work. Yes, I do have live ghost shrimp. But when i went to feed my lion today a silver side he attcked and took a bite but didn't eat it, after that he just turned away from them. Dogstar, I have a...
  10. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    OK i'm getting this whole sump thing now :cheer: The only thing i'm stress out about is my lion
  11. cartman101

    dream tank!!!

    One GIANT tank for a GIANT squid :thinking:
  12. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Yeah that too about the bucs ...... But I think I'm getting all this now
  13. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Maybe I will just ask some aquarium maintance people to come and help me.
  14. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Sorry about my grammer, just in a BIG rush. I will try slowing down. Fishiness, about what you about the shrimp, I have tried that too....didn't work. And about the overflow having to hole i just dont know what to put in the second hole when the first on is already connected to the wetdry, its...
  15. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    Little problem....... I have two hole in the overflow box, the other hole is completely useless.... and I'm confused
  16. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    i will try working on the picture. But i made a post that had like lots of replies and TONS of pics. I dont remember where that post was....
  17. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    yes, I did that for the lion when ever i went to feed him. I have a wet/dry. And yea my overflow box has 2 holes.
  18. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    also, the lfs said to drill small holes on the tubes of the return pump.....WHERE AT!?
  19. cartman101

    serious help! How can I make this into a fuge?

    Screw it, i dont think i'm going to make it into a fuge, I'm still confused on how to hook up the overflow to the wetdry and hook up return pump hose to main tank. I'm just to stressed out due to a number of things
  20. cartman101

    Looks I'm the biggest newbie on the message boards!

    Well I still cant get my lion to eat frozen foods so hes probably going to die. I'm sooo confused on wetdrys! The lfs guy just made it very confusinger. I got tons of questions!! 1) how can i get my lion to eat frozens? 2) in the overflow box there are 2 holes, one is where the vacuum hose hooks...