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  1. rubberduck

    need to convince my mom

    ok so (this might be a dumb question) but what Mh (reasonably priced is the best bang for the buck.....that would enable my coral i own now be thriving as well as hard coral or clams? thx a bunch in the prosses of finding a 125 that fits great ~travis~
  2. rubberduck

    need to convince my mom

    would a 250w se be ok in a 125? im thinking the water would be in larger quatties. am i right??
  3. rubberduck

    Manliest way to die.

    Originally Posted by slick Your friend would get a vote from me too. I think if I had to kill myself I would ride my motorcycle head on at 180mph into the front of a semi. NO pain there and what a mess lol. :eek: maybe take a couple with u :eek:
  4. rubberduck

    Sea Snakes!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by dragonfli ITCHY... the way i removed coral from the ocean was while diving scraped some reef. i got outta the water and noticed my friends hand was bleeding really bad. we cleaned it up and went on out way. i didnt notice that i had a cut on my knee until later. fast...
  5. rubberduck

    What is your favorite animal?

  6. rubberduck

    yall kentckians wanna trade

    :D hiya everyone, any people in kentuck 9preferably close to lexington) wanna trade coral, i have colt,yellow polyps,zoo's, and star polyps, and money for trade :yes: anyone interested?
  7. rubberduck

    my new babe has arrived

    wow what a monster :happy:
  8. rubberduck

    paintball gun

    the flatline barrel is 100$$$$ that was a GOOD deal ... u dont know what ur talking about teen
  9. rubberduck

    what is eating my zoos?

    i would say it is the decorator crab doing some decorating, just might of made a huge mess a trying to gett them on his back. how many are missiing? have u seen any floating around your tank
  10. rubberduck

    fianlly its underway

    WOW that sounds amazing, how long has it been set up?
  11. rubberduck

    SPS nano

    yes if you could controll those very problems i would say yes. keep us posted though
  12. rubberduck

    My zoos

    yes please show us your whole collection........dont hold out on us :D
  13. rubberduck

    I know this is salwater but I couldnt help my self....

    very cool. how big is it?
  14. rubberduck

    My First 6 Pack

    look likes everything is healthy :happy: awsome
  15. rubberduck

    MH tips plz

    do u have it yet? thx a lot wax! u have mail
  16. rubberduck

    Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

    WOW :eek: NICE TANK and happy birthday
  17. rubberduck

    MH tips plz

    does it include everything, like balast(sp) and such? what does it not include? plus where could i find this stuff. bebay?
  18. rubberduck

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Originally Posted by TheGrog There is also a good book entitled "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson that goes through the steps on breeding and raising clownfishes. A great read. Very nice work on the babies!!!!! but first you have to have willing clowns
  19. rubberduck

    MH tips plz

    i have close to 350$$ right now and i was wandering if i could get a metal halide for my 30 gallon, it is 36" wide: 12" back: and about 18" high so i would need a MH about 36 by 12" is it possible to get a mh for less than $350 for this tank. my LFS has some for like $564 by i was wandering if...
  20. rubberduck

    good Saturday mornin'...

    how did he get in? :scared: