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  1. fishkid2

    What soft corals should i get?

    I have some really cool looking orange ones, but i dont want to get any for my 10. It seems to me that zoos look the best under brighter lighting.
  2. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    It seem like this stuff is growing right back in like a day.
  3. fishkid2

    What soft corals should i get?

    Originally Posted by coraljunky ricordea Maybe some blue or green ricordea sounds good
  4. fishkid2

    What soft corals should i get?

    Heres a pick of the soft coral, but it is not out all the way since a fragged it not too long ago. So what is it?
  5. fishkid2

    What soft corals should i get?

    Hi guys just need some suggjestions on what type of soft corals i should get for my 10 gal. For my lighting i only have 2 10 watt pcs. I will frag my xenia too for my 10 gal and i already have some capnella and some other soft coral that i really dont know the name of. I will post a pic later.
  6. fishkid2

    pc tanks

    heres my 24 gal aquapod
  7. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    i think u should get a flame hawk for ur 4th fish imo
  8. fishkid2

    red slime algae

  9. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    how about a flame hawk fish? Or do they need a 30 gal. I have one and i just love he swims around perching and staring at me.
  10. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    i will get my phosphate checked at the lfs and prabably buy another ph.
  11. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    Originally Posted by earlybird Get a phosphate kit or get it tested at lfs. Very dangerous putting that rock in from the beach. Ya never know what pollutants might be in it. It's possible that your light could be causing or aiding in the spread of the cyanobacteria. Try reducing the amount...
  12. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    Originally Posted by petjunkie 4 fish in a 20? I would think two would be better and no flame angel, way to big for a 20, I wouldn't put one in my 33 and that's four feet long. Maybe the sixline and royal gramma max. I'd switch the gramma for something more interesting though, most just...
  13. fishkid2

    need help with lighting decision

    go with the t-5s i had a pc fixture with 260 watts then i got a t-5 fixture with only 216 watts and it seems so much brighter now
  14. fishkid2

    Reef vs Fish Only

    can u show a pic of ur 220?
  15. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    i dont know i never really ever had a oceliars. But i would still go with a perc if you end up getting a clow with the thick black strips like mine in this pic.
  16. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    yeh i kind of feel like that too. I took away my clarkii out of my 55 gal with a condi that he loved and i put him in a 30 gal with nothing my perc loves his frogspwan in my aquapod and he used to host with a creamcrown toadstool.
  17. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    you can always add a type of clown. im going to be getting 2 black percs for my 10 gal
  18. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    that sucks. i hate ick. i also have a royal gramma and i just got him like 2 weeks ago. heres my little tank with him i just have one question for u. Why would you get another royal gramma when you could get something else that is cool.
  19. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    looks sweet i hate when cameras make tanks look 2 times bigger then they are because it looks like ur tank is like 40 gallons or something.
  20. fishkid2

    Reef vs Fish Only

    I do like both, but reef a little betterimo. But i do like fish only for some fish like lions and triggers plus the eels too.