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  1. fishkid2

    Reef vs Fish Only

    What do u like better a reef or fish only tank? What are the reasons you like it better? also show a pic of ur fav tank that you have. Mine is reef because of all the corals and little fishys you can get. Plus all the color you get from them.
  2. fishkid2

    ocellaris vs. true perc

    i like percs better for thier color. With more black in them too.
  3. fishkid2

    help stocking order

    How did u get 45 lbs or rock in a 20 gal? I would not know what order because royal gramma can be terratorial right. Then all the six line wrases i get are evil. So i would think the angle might go first imo.
  4. fishkid2

    my 10 gal (pic)

    i put a piece of capnella in my 10 gal. Lets see how it goes.
  5. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    well i change 6 gallons of water. Cleaned out the filter and protein skimmer. sucked up all the red slime off the rock and wall. Protein skimmer is worker better, but not great.
  6. fishkid2

    red slime algae

  7. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    Everything looks good, but ph is 8.0 i dont have a phosphate test kit. ok i dont know how much pounds of lr i have because i got a dry piece of lr from a beach, but its like 20 pounds. and maybe about 5 pounds of other lr. 30 pounds of sand. Then my lighting is just 1 bulb with a power glow...
  8. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    k i might try it just need to any other things that i can do besides getting a ro unit.
  9. fishkid2

    my 10 gal (pic)

    i think im going to try to put a coral in. i tested it again it looks all good.
  10. fishkid2

    red slime algae

    so i really dont know how to get rid of the red slime algae. What are the best ways to get rid of it. i know i prabably need to upgrade my flow in the tank. But what else can i do? Start doing some water changes? ooo and i dont use ro water. u can see smoe of it in this pic and theres a lot of...
  11. fishkid2


    i did not say ur buying it. i was trying to be funny on how u can buy a $400 dollar fish and it like dies in like a week then u would be $400 in the hole.
  12. fishkid2


    yeh lets buy a $400 dollar fish then have it die when u dont have a guarantee on it any more. just wanted to say that.
  13. fishkid2

    my 10 gal (pic)

    yeh it does, more purple. I added another light strip just to make things a little bit brighter too.
  14. fishkid2

    Sea Apple

    well can i still try getting 1. i have some fish that they say are for experts only and they seem really easy to take care of. so will a sea apple get too big in a 10 or 24 gal? dont they grow 7 in long?
  15. fishkid2

    Sea Apple

    well i was thinking of putting in my 55 gal, but i think i have some fish that would pick at it. So sea apples are not that hardy?
  16. fishkid2

    Sea Apple

    i was just want some info on the sea apple. im thinking of getting one for my tank. just want to know if they are hard to take care of, are they hard to keep in a aquarium? they just look so cool.
  17. fishkid2

    Contest-Who has the most colorful reef

    mine looks sweet its all red. lol
  18. fishkid2

    Gorgonian pic

    i was wondering if i had to move my gorgonian into the light more.
  19. fishkid2

    pic of my torch

    heres some closer shots 2nd pic is kind of fuzzy
  20. fishkid2

    my gorgonian ?
