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  1. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    u got mail
  2. cartman101

    serious help! How can I make this into a fuge?

    Well since this site wont let me post this picture, i have just received a Amiracle brand wetdry and I cant figure out how to turn it into a fuge. Anyone know how??
  3. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    are there no one here besides Jcrim and scubadoo that can help me??
  4. cartman101

    Running carbon periodically

    Do i need to run carbon all the time or only sometimes? And when i get my wetdry setup do i need my emporer 400 still? I only use that to run carbon all the time. Thanks
  5. cartman101

    Heater question?

    i dont think you need 2 heater. I would get the one that fits your tank. I have my heater that i had from my 55gal in my 125gal and it does a good job at heating water up.
  6. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    ok, but i was think that maybe some aquarium sealer can help Its only the top half thats cracked. But it seems like theres not enough room to but any filters in the wetdry :notsure:
  7. cartman101

    I'm Lost

  8. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    Theres a side that is cracked. Do you think I can seal it up with some sort of sealer so it doesn't leak?And what is the blue tray with holes in for? Do I need to add something to it? And I dont think theres enough room to put my skimmer and heater in the wetdry. How did you do it?
  9. cartman101

    Scuba doo!!!!!!

    I just got the sump........theres a side of glass that is craked
  10. cartman101

    Anyone know if steven speilburg(sp) is going to make another Jaws movie?

    no steven made the movie for sure
  11. cartman101

    Overflow/wetdry question (scubadoo and jcrim)

    and the size return pump I need is.....?
  12. cartman101

    Anyone know if steven speilburg(sp) is going to make another Jaws movie?

    for real!? Lucas made jaws :thinking: :notsure:
  13. cartman101

    Anyone know if steven speilburg(sp) is going to make another Jaws movie?

    Well i herd alot of rumers that steven was going to make another Jaws movie as his last movie that he will make. Just want to know if anyone has herd this too? I hope he does make one.
  14. cartman101

    Birth of a Banded Shark -need advice

    WOW! This is a old post I wonder if the shark is dead
  15. cartman101

    niger setup

    Well the niger will outgrow the tank eventully, but it will get up to about 2ft in length i believe. If you plan on upgrading sometime then you can go for it but if you dont want to upgrade then go with a smaller type of trigger. If you are looking for the more peaceful kind go with crosshatch...
  16. cartman101

    Sooooo, King Kong, Whos Seen It?

    Originally Posted by JacknJill well, if you didnt like it, what kind of movies DO you like? Guys remember!? He's puffer24/7! He likes to give everyone hard times. Oh i think he likes those disney animated movies
  17. cartman101

    Are you a loser if.....

    Wait untill college. When you get a girl she will be asking you to buy her stuff, ect.. Just stay with your fish and do what you want to do, besides she may even dump you when you spent lots of money on her. Just my thoughts.
  18. cartman101

    Overflow/wetdry question (scubadoo and jcrim)

    Well I'm going to take all the equipment to the fs tommorow and hope john(owner) can help me with it. Yeah, it shipped excellent! Ok so fill up the wetdry :thinking: Ok got it. Scubadoo, How many gallons is the wetdry?
  19. cartman101

    Overflow/wetdry question (scubadoo and jcrim)

    Well, Scubadoo, I get the wetdry tommorow and I'm excited, thankyou! Now on with my questions, when i setup the overflow how much water will be displaced out of my main tank? And how low will the water level drop? Will I need to add some extra water to my tank when after i hook up the wetdry? I...
  20. cartman101

    Sooooo, King Kong, Whos Seen It?

    Originally Posted by puffer24/7 king kong would have to be the worst movie i have ever seen, for most of the movie it was boring as anything, it was like watching paint dry, not to mention jack black did not fit that character what so ever, the bad far out weighed the good in this movie, overall...