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  1. cartman101

    Light bulb pissing me off bad!

    I have a corallife bulb. I dont now what you mean by ballast but if its where the bulb goes in i dont know what kind it is, it came with the tank.
  2. cartman101

    Light bulb pissing me off bad!

    Well one of my lights keeps turning off and on and I have tried everything on how to keep it on!!!!!!! I unscrewed and screwed about 20 times and it keep sgoing off and on!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: What do i do?
  3. cartman101

    Sandman and Wakeskater do you still go on this site?

    Haven't seen you all on here for quite some time! Did you fall off a cliff and die? Hiding under a rock?
  4. cartman101

    Tank Noise

    Originally Posted by My Way Have you ever put your ear up to the glass? Try it, you'll be suprised. Even if your tank is quiet the sound of your pump in the stand comes through. Yeah, I know, i was wondering the same thing. Do fish get paranoid from all the noise in the tank?
  5. cartman101

    updated pics of new 125

    Originally Posted by clowntang Are you going to add more rock for them to hide under or in? I hope so, i guess i got a thing for a rockie lookin tank, but it is very cool either. good luck. Yeah, he could use some more live rock too
  6. cartman101

    GGGGGRRRRRRR!! My parents are driving me OFF THE WALL!

    Originally Posted by My Way If you see him tell him I was asking how he is doing. Thanks Watch out for tinkie winkie :hilarious You got me cracked up over that retarded thing now
  7. cartman101

    updated pics of new 125

  8. cartman101

    Aquarium puts two-headed snake up for sale.

    OH DONT WORRY! I'm going to buy that THING I wish
  9. cartman101


    :hilarious Ok guys i will stop with the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. cartman101


    ???? huh? :notsure: I dont have any.....
  11. cartman101

    Aquarium puts two-headed snake up for sale.

    Will it is a aquarium that is doing it so they may have permission to do it
  12. cartman101

    science fair

    Originally Posted by bergamer I won 2nd prize in HS science fair for making a bionic ear. Just take a parabola and a microphone and make recordings at differnt distances and sketch and explain the physics. if you are lucky like me, they will put you in the earth sciences and you will clean...
  13. cartman101


    ok thanks No, i haven't recieved it yet, are mail is just so DAM slow!
  14. cartman101


    need to ask you a question.......... Is the overflow noisy????????????????? I herd some people talking about them and they said they are extremely noisy :help:
  15. cartman101

    Noisy Overflow

    I hope my overflow isn't noisy when i get it.
  16. cartman101

    GGGGGRRRRRRR!! My parents are driving me OFF THE WALL!

    Originally Posted by My Way Just remember Tinkie Winkie loves you all :notsure: ........................... :hilarious THAT IS FUNNY!
  17. cartman101

    New Pics

    that one picture of the tesse looking right at you reminds me of a head of a t-rex
  18. cartman101

    Aquarium puts two-headed snake up for sale.

    The world Aquarium in St.Lois Missouri had an albino rat-eating snake for 6 1/2 years....I should say 2 headed snake. The snake is geneticly a female but biologist have said that the other head may actully be a male. The snake is going for sale on e b a y and the starting price is $150,000. Just...
  19. cartman101

    water question?

    Originally Posted by mykrofon no im talking about the publix brand drinking water........ HAHA should be fine I used it when i lived in florida sometimes
  20. cartman101

    science fair

    Just keep it nice and simple and you will get top ranked! My 7th grade year i did a VERY easy project dealing with plants and their soils. I came in 3rd place out of all the 7th graders