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  1. farmboy

    --Houdini Shroomini--

    Yeah, man. I've got to work tomarrow. I will pick up a thermos this weekend and hopefully be ready to ship out to you the first part of the week. :joy: KD-you've got mail.
  2. farmboy

    Is This True?

    You're in good hands with these folks Halo. I'm still a rookie. I do have a question: How many snails are we talking about here?
  3. farmboy

    Is This True?

    Yeah Halo, If we have to come down there and smack you around we will! Right Ophiura? Just kidding! :D I hope there is another explanation-changing tanks would not be cool. :eek:
  4. farmboy

    Is it just me??????

    Hey Mud, I always liked that picture of you in your avatar. Nice hat!!
  5. farmboy

    Is This True?

    Do you still have the medicine? What exactly is the active ingredient? That will tell the tale. Don't panic till ya know for sure.
  6. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    True - It seems like both sides of the aisle spend an unreal amount of money. They just spend it on different things.
  7. farmboy

    Pictures of the inside of your canopy?

    Hello Mr. Shubert, Glad to see you have overcome the insomnia. :happy: Insomnia can lead to a lot of good research, however. . . .
  8. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    If memeory serves. . .Clinton had a Republican controlled congress when the budget was balanced.
  9. farmboy

    overflow question ( U tube )

    ""NOTE: You should only have to prime the pump once (unless it runs dry). Even in the event of a power outage, the return side will drain back down (assuming the sump is below the main tank) and through the pump, keeping the suction side full of water."" This sound about right to you Acrylic?
  10. farmboy

    125 Gallon 8 Month Birthday

    Beautifull tank. THanks for sharing. The feather star is striking! Good luck and keep up the good work! :happy:
  11. farmboy

    overflow question ( U tube )

    Not sure about the mag but my quiet one 3000 came with 2 different connectors for the suction side of the pump. One with a hose fitting-the other for in sump use(strainer type thing). If using external-ideally drill a hole and draw water from the level you desire. If no hole, you can put a "u"...
  12. farmboy

    Exhaust Fan for tank

    SOunds like a good idea. Keep us posted.
  13. farmboy

    its about time i got a brain!

    Originally Posted by jam marine Skirrby at this moment i wish i had your brain,sweeeeeeet Most people would be happy to have a brain 1/2 that size. :yes:
  14. farmboy

    its about time i got a brain!

    Where is the Scrarecrow?? J/K Great pics!
  15. farmboy

    Exhaust Fan for tank

    Acrylic, I have a thermostat on my attic fan that has a setting from 55 to 110 degrees F. 110vac of course and I'm sure it would handle your size fan as far as power goes. The t-stat and controller are in a small box separate from the actual fan. Hope that helps.
  16. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    More tax dollars freed up from military spending means more goverment subsidies for private sector. Just one example-Planes and bombs are expensive compared to helping the constituency.
  17. farmboy

    How to make a SCWD Wavemaker??

    What is on the inside of these things? How do they work? Any chance of making one -- homemade?
  18. farmboy

    How to make a SCWD Wavemaker??

    That was a pretty "quick draw" on that response, Squidd!! You're getting good, man! Most questions I have are already being/have been discussed. THis site rocks! :happy: Thanks to everyone who contributes.
  19. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Hey Tang, We'll be waiting. . . . .
  20. farmboy

    --Houdini Shroomini--

    Frost-you've got mail