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  1. farmboy

    Shipping Mushrooms

    That sounds reasonable-$13 to 17. What kind of packaging?
  2. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang Would someone please elaborate on Clinton's Policy he got passed or enacted that stimulated the Economy and caused it to boom? I hear this claim all the time, but no one has ever elaborated on why it was his doing............................ Cut the defense...
  3. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    We don't elect our federal judges either, but we DO elect our lawmakers. THey have checks and balances to deal with the other 2 branches of GOV. "..of the people, by the people and for the people."
  4. farmboy

    --Houdini Shroomini--

    Sent email-Frosty
  5. farmboy

    --Houdini Shroomini--

    Thanks for the tips, oceana!! I'll try them on the next bunch. My buddy and I are going to collect differnt colors and then swap some to help each other out. I'm gonna get some stripeys and maybe som e reds from So this will come in handy! I like the multi-rock Idea. Thanks again!!
  6. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

  7. farmboy

    --Houdini Shroomini--

    Thanks! THey kinda change color from a flourescent green to the purple you see(maybe a little darker). Yeah I thought that would coax him to take hold of the smaller rock. Now he seems to have prefered the big rock underneath. WHat is the best way to "join" them to a piece of rock? I think...
  8. farmboy

    --Houdini Shroomini--

    Check this guy out!! It took him about 3 days, but he finally made it out of the rubber band. I didn't put it on too tight, but It was holding him. THis was a "free floater" from a good friend of mine. Good friend huh? He also gave me a bunch on rocks and snail shells.
  9. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Bring it, Tizz!! J/K I agree with you for the most part.
  10. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Originally Posted by nikolai Anyway, I think the flat tax is not fair. The rich need to be taxed more, and the "trickle down" effect is a myth. I am also pro choice and gay marriage. Just putting that out there. The rich do pay more. And my...
  11. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    It's hard to keep politics from religion and visa versa!! I don't think Democrats or Republicans are evil. I think some are wiser than others. For the good of our country, the MIX and debate of the different views is what has guided our laws and made us great. " I cringe to think you'd be OK...
  12. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    In the Body of Christ (that's you and me) we are supposed to reach out to the unchurched and help the poor and the homeless etc. There are brothers and sisters who council teens with unmarried pregnancies, and so on and so on . . . I agree with you that money should not be TAKEN from taxpayers...
  13. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    The Bible also says to love one another. God has a soft spot for the poor. I believe we are to help our fellow man. This can be monitarily or through physical needs (food and shelter) or spiritual and emotional support (maybe to help stop some things that cause poverty). However, this...
  14. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    consequenceless-I like that word TIZZO! Seriously though, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!! I didn't know you were "Gung ho" :joy: Heads up tang-I used 100 dollars so everything would come out as a straight percentage from 2004.
  15. farmboy

    introducing myself

    Hey PrncAlbrt, Are you from LA? I saw you were talking about getting surf sand. (BTW for everyone not from the south--that is Lower Alabama NOT Los Angeles) THere have been a lot of questions about surf sand and the answers are like those above. If you have the means to go out a ways to...
  16. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Golly TIzz, I thought you were happy on another thread. Something about a scallop? :notsure:
  17. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Some would argue that abortions are a crime. That may be a whole different thread. There is only one way to prevent disease and pregnancy with 100% effectiveness. "Abstinence"
  18. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    See also, constitution. Are there no representatives or senators from your state?
  19. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    democracy: a: government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections . . .sounds about right...
  20. farmboy

    How do you check if there is electricity in water?

    Do you have your filters etc. on a Ground fault?