Search results

  1. rubberduck

    90 gals only....

    there arn't as many 90 gallos out there so pics will be limited, give it some time.
  2. rubberduck

    Lawnmower Blennies

    lawnmowers will also eat pods when supply is low. even when the food is high the will pick at rocks. plus i have had no problems with my emeralds. :notsure:
  3. rubberduck

    Scooter Blenny

    yes take him back to the store, he feeds 24/7 and brine will nkot sustane him
  4. rubberduck

    10 Gallon Nano?

    a ten is a great size:yes:
  5. rubberduck

    lion wont eat

    well i heard you have to teach them to feed them by doing stuff like soaking in garlic etc. just try everything
  6. rubberduck

    Bristle worms...?

    the larger ones are the ones that could be trouble?
  7. rubberduck

    Tank for Yellow Tang

    i would say that is the bare minimum for a a regular one. IMO it depends of length and width.
  8. rubberduck

    YT Damsil spawning?

    um most likly the wont be able to live unless you design a special tank, then they still might not live. up to u if you want to prepare for them
  9. rubberduck

    Fish Ratio

    well doyou relize this will be a fo tank.
  10. rubberduck

    Dragon wrass

    a large tank for full grown. but they eat snails.
  11. rubberduck

    2 thumbs up 4

    they can cause so much troubl(fed ex)
  12. rubberduck

    Updates on new SW tank

    Originally posted by woodymdt Alviporea? is not quite happy yet...I'll take some more pics of it when it gets comfortable. aree they doing better?
  13. rubberduck

    Biggest Tank?

    steve in oregon has a 800 galon and bang guy has a 900 laggon
  14. rubberduck

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    Originally posted by memole I used to have 10 of them in there... I used them to cycle. I lost most of them through the cycle period. My wife tried to catch them to put them in my 120 reef but couldn't getthem out.... Not trying to get them eaten...I guess just a natural selection. he...
  15. rubberduck

    Kentucky Fragging

    i got there too late, and they were closed at 5. WHAT THE HECK did they close at 5 on saturday wel they will frag my polyps for free to. im excited about that :joy: hows it going dub
  16. rubberduck

    what is the best secluded vacation spot in florida?

    any place with ood wildlife?
  17. rubberduck

    A few pics from tonight

    cool pics , have you got the three hundred yet?
  18. rubberduck

    Live Rock Setup Pics

    just work with it:yes: