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  1. cartman101

    any one good with snakes

    Yeah, i do what AW2 said by taking it back, askl the guy who works at the pet store and see if he can maybe hold it for you untill you have done your research then when researching is done see if you still want the snake. Do you know what kind it is?
  2. cartman101

    Fish Combinations

    i wouldn't do it, the puffer will stress the lil clownfish out. But i do know ONE person who keeps there clown fish in with there porc puffer.......MY LFS!
  3. cartman101

    240 idea???

    yeah, a leopard will get to 8ft and up. What about a horn shark? When i get my next tank thats the shark i wanna put in it!
  4. cartman101

    Im Getn My 180 Gallon Tank Today -3pm,yaaaaaa

    Originally Posted by MyThrenody Awsome! Cartman,did they replace it? Well they asked us if we want it replace with another 180gal, but it would ship to the same place and it may shatter again so i decided to go to the LFS and get the 125gal.
  5. cartman101

    heavy breathing bamboo shark

    awesome! You like lionfish? You cold do a lion or grouper maybe a tang?
  6. cartman101

    Making a sump! Need some help....or else tell me if this sounds good.

    come on, theres gotta be someone here you can help
  7. cartman101

    heavy breathing bamboo shark

    Yeah, love to see some pictures. A feeding stick is usely sold at your LFS, just ask them if they have some in. The feeding stick has a sharp pointy end which the food goes on and thats pretty much it. What size tank do you have and is there any other fish with the shark?
  8. cartman101

    heavy breathing bamboo shark

    It would help if u had a feeding stick, then that way your arm wont get that wet
  9. cartman101

    heavy breathing bamboo shark

    seems like your shark is fine! Your shark wont come up to the surface for food, maybe when they smell food, because they go crazy when they smell the food they like. You usely got to feed them when they are laying on the bottom. Sharks are very lazy during the day, well thats becuase they are...
  10. cartman101

    Tank Pics

    Looks pretty good, why is there a green tint to the tank? I would take out maybe a couple tangs and you are set to go.
  11. cartman101

    humu trigger vs lawnmower blenny

    basically because you have a aggressive fish in your tank that will pick on any fish it wants too, triggers are a werid fish, they think they rule the world. What size tank do you have? And you have all peaceful fish and one aggressive fish, the more aggressive fish makes the rules in your tank...
  12. cartman101

    heavy breathing bamboo shark

    how long have you had the shark? If you just bought him today or yesterday he could still be acclimating to your system. You should make sure your tank is well-oxygenated all the time, its a must for sharks.
  13. cartman101

    grouper pics

    Panther groupers amaze me, not by the way they look but they way they grow. I have seen a 2in panther grouper and in another tank a 18incher! Let me just say WOW, how can a munchkin get that big!?
  14. cartman101

    this weeks pics

    Jcrim, your tank is incredible,i cant wait for that day when i house a ray and shark :cheer:
  15. cartman101

    My new Babies!!!

    gotta hand it to you, nice fish! Lets see the whole tank shot now!
  16. cartman101

    Im Getn My 180 Gallon Tank Today -3pm,yaaaaaa

    i rememeber when i ordered my aquarium(180gal) from glasscages and the day it came in i was soooooooooooooooo excited! I opened the box up at the shipping place and guess what!? IT WAS SHATTERED!!!!!!!!!!!! GLASS EVERYWHERE!!!!! But have fun setting up your 180gal.
  17. cartman101

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    Whats a flurry? Weatherman said it could flurry sunday night, is that snow!? Sorry not a northern new to all this "cold" stuff!
  18. cartman101

    I'm so proud

    Well i'm happy for your sister, BUT what kind of classes did she take is the main question. I'm 16, and guess what i was out driving with my mom and i almost got in a car reck!! Then my mom took over and went under some bridge and guess what i saw! A car that was split in half (it looked like...