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  1. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    yup, but not only spin around its a nightmare to remember.... he would bob his head up and down out and in the water, ram into the glass,ect.
  2. cartman101

    Should i leave?

    Originally Posted by Space_Geek Well, if u REALLY like lions, then I would get another lion! Just next time, buy a bigger one so he will live longer if he doesnt eat right off the bat, make sure he is eating frozen, watch him eat, ask how long he's been there, etc! BAM! You got a healthy lion...
  3. cartman101

    Time to think about my new fish

    Originally Posted by Mr. Fat Hi, your post inspired me to sign up – I am new to the site, but I have a lot of experience in the field. I have set up a lot of fish tanks for my friends, as I am interested in getting people into the hobby. Some thing that I have been doing when I start up other...
  4. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    i had my other lion for about 6-7months and was not skinny at all.
  5. cartman101

    Should i leave?

    Thats it i'm changeing the topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What should i do, A) get another lion? B) get another fish?
  6. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    yes, i got ghost shrimp, and if he does make it through the should go on national television. My last lion i had did the samething then in a couple of hours.....dead.
  7. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    I cant post a picture becuase a) crappy camra b) i cant just go and get it developed. What do i do if he dies, should i put him in a bag and bring him to the lfs where i got him? Is that what lfs mainly do? Yes, he did look thin, he was eating ghost shrimp, they got him on wedsneday.
  8. cartman101

    Time to think about my new fish

    they said they had it since wednesday, and that they fed it a few ghost shrimps
  9. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    sorry i cant post a picture, just picture in your head a very very small lionfish swimming in loops
  10. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    Lfs is closed today, dont think my lion will make it till 7:00pm tonight
  11. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    spacegeek, do you think the lfs will give me my money back?
  12. cartman101

    Time to think about my new fish

    Originally Posted by ScubaDoo Part of being successfull in this hobby is appropriate selection of animals. You indicated in another thread that the lion looked really thin. This would indicate to me that the lion was not eating at the lfs. Perhaps the animal was in poor health? Did you see...
  13. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    how will i know if its eating frozen when i buy it online (i will never shop at a lfs for fish again)
  14. cartman101

    lionfish trouble

    Hes swimming in loops and getting stuck to the filters Did you lion do that??? No. I just dont understand..... why would the lionfish die??? My water quality is perfect. Salt-1.024 Trate- 10 trite-0 ammonia-0 pH- 8.2
  15. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    I cant keep my favorite fish so y should i still be in it?
  16. cartman101


    ???????????????????????? Mods delete this post!
  17. cartman101

    Should i leave?

    My lionfish is dieing, i just cant keep lions, one of my favorite fish, so y should i still be in this hobby?
  18. cartman101


  19. cartman101

    would anyone be interested in a 125gal?

    I just want to see how many people would want a 125gal with rocks/sand/fish/filters