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  1. cartman101


    Originally Posted by Space_Geek He may be eating live foods and you may have to wean him onto frozen by wiggling the food with a stick of some sort. (not a stick off a tree, you know what i mean) Volitans, actually lions period are KNOWN for not eating frozen foods right away. You almost always...
  2. cartman101


    ok, great! It seems to be slowin down a little, i wonder how much more to go? :joy:
  3. cartman101

    Sharh Tank Ideas?

    i would maybe get a horn shark! They look tight, when i get my next tank (over 300gal of course!) i would be getting a horn shark
  4. cartman101

    .....this might be it for her......

    well we didn't put her in the cage when he went out to eat, we came back within 90min and she was fine! No pee on the floors!
  5. cartman101

    Tang Hybrid???

    yeah, just go to e b a y
  6. cartman101


    the lion seems relax, hes chillin on a rock, sometimes he will go and chill on the sand. Though he looks very skinny, i'm going to try to feed him today.....hope he takes the food. Also, my lion is the smallest fish i have in the tank :scared: Hes just a lil baby :joy:
  7. cartman101


    oh ok, so it just takes time
  8. cartman101


    well its sunday morning and its still doing the same thing
  9. cartman101


    ok, hope all goes well...i think it well. Thanks for the help all
  10. cartman101


    is this enough details or more needed? i gotta go to dinner put i WILL return
  11. cartman101


    do you all think carbon will take out the stress coat if it is the stress coat producing the problem?
  12. cartman101


    do u think the carbon will take out the stress coat?
  13. cartman101


    ok it is unplugged
  14. cartman101


    its leaking cause of overskimming. I dont have a water adjuster, but it took out about 3 collection cup fills out. I'm guessing its becuase of the stress coat i put in the tank to calm the new fish down. Think i should wait till tommorow? I will it skrew up my skimmer more if i wait? :notsure:
  15. cartman101


    Originally Posted by Bronco300 you unplug it? is the air intake completely open? yeah
  16. cartman101


    someone said that its just the stresscoat (aloe vera) that i put into the tank and that the skimmer is going mad
  17. cartman101


    i'm going to be going out to dinner so i should turn it off right
  18. cartman101


    i dont think the salinity will be bothered Its at 1.025. Plus i dont have anymore salt used the last of it for the water change
  19. cartman101


    ok so should i just add fresh water to the aquarium then?