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  1. cartman101

    Question for yas

    Originally Posted by aquapro_1 eels aren't fish. Triggers are. All fish are susceptible to ich. But if someone with more experiences with eels can reply. (I have limited experience with eels and don't want to mislead you) uh...... eels are fish. They just dont have scales like fish do. Eels...
  2. cartman101

    pH is low HELP!

    u can still buy stuff to lower it too
  3. cartman101

    Things that washed up after the tsunami...

    i wonder what this fish is??? This is what i'm most curious of. Looks like a squid fused with a shark of some sort
  4. cartman101

    Things that washed up after the tsunami...

    those are awesome creatures, makes me wanna have one (u know... i do have the room.. ) Look like something from a nightmare :scared:
  5. cartman101

    pH is low HELP!

    Originally Posted by newfishguy Crap this stuff is for low alk. I need to goto the store. Oh, and I did a 10% water change yesterday. better get going!!!! GOOD LUCK
  6. cartman101

    Stocking - What to add??

    his tank is at the limit, if he did add the hawk it would be a nice dinner for the volitan
  7. cartman101

    What do u reccomend me doing?

    I'm low on filtration, though i'm in process of making a sump. Right now i have a emporer 400 and a Aqua Medic skimmer with some powerheads, what should i get?
  8. cartman101

    pH is low HELP!

    Originally Posted by newfishguy have some Marine Success Buff that came with one of my test kits. Should I add it to the tank to temporarily fix the problem? YES!
  9. cartman101

    pH is low HELP!

    I would go to the lfs and buy some pH buffering. If you dont know what kind just to get just ask the lfs. I would go right this instant!!
  10. cartman101

    where do they sell silversides ???

    they are usely sold at the lfs. I would feed your lion not only silver sides but other frozens too like squid, shrimp,ect
  11. cartman101

    Kids in Halloween Costumes

    heres my costum You probably seen me on tv huh?
  12. cartman101

    some new pics... why not

    Originally Posted by Sharkboy97 Is your miniatus very active or does he just hangout under rocks i would like to know that too
  13. cartman101

    some new pics... why not

    wow, so they are slow growers. Is your shark a slow grow too?
  14. cartman101

    some new pics... why not

    does your ray swim all over? Like in to rocks and other fish? Would a lionfish be ok with a ray? how big is yours?
  15. cartman101

    Key West Got Flooded Too

    wow! poor mr. eel
  16. cartman101

    more pics

    nice, lets see the whole tank now
  17. cartman101

    some new pics... why not

    what size sand do u use?
  18. cartman101

    some new pics... why not

    whats a more exciting specimen u have, the ray or shark?(the one u love the most)
  19. cartman101


    i guess i will play along too
  20. cartman101

    carving a pumpkin online

    hahah that was funny! Its too bad i didn't carve it...i was looking forward to it