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  1. cartman101

    psp question

    how much is it?
  2. cartman101

    coral cat shark

    what tank size do u have? If its a 65gal then no
  3. cartman101

    Coraline Algae

    simple, have a established and healthy tank
  4. cartman101

    ruler of the universe

    Originally Posted by jdragunas i saw it, but i couldn't have the sound on... It was the video, right? u had to have the sound on, and yeah i think some of those girls where ---- stars!
  5. cartman101

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    i'm not going to argue with it ok, belive what you want, there r police who will take you a way for having this fish in this tank. I'm just telling u that people misunderstand fish and think they need to be kept in very very big tanks, just do some research and ask questions and u will know the...
  6. cartman101

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    try me schulace, i have been studying fish since elementry school, yes a ray will be fine. ONLY THE SMALLER ONES! (calis)
  7. cartman101

    ruler of the universe

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 Go there if you wanna see something really funny!!! Just click watch and select our viewing (quicktime,flash media,ect.) Come on!? did any of u see it?
  8. cartman101

    Is my starfish sick?

    well yeah of course, whats the best plan to feed it? I just wait untill hes all the way to the surface, which every 2 days
  9. cartman101

    Is my starfish sick?

    hes benn doing it since september so i'm asuming its all good or else he would of died by now
  10. cartman101

    Is my starfish sick?

    does it eat coralline and copepods? Cause it only does it on the glass where there is coralline algae and maybe some pods. Do i just have a weird starfish?
  11. cartman101

    Is my starfish sick?

    none of what you said happend Water parameters are excellent, no fish missing, no inverts missing, i feed him flakes and krill, not being bothered by anything.
  12. cartman101

    Is my starfish sick?

    no one?
  13. cartman101

    Port Jackson floating question

    i dont know, he may be sick
  14. cartman101

    Is my starfish sick?

    I have a choc. chip star fish and he will occasionally release his stomach out (orangish, yellowish, assuming its his stomach) should i be worried??
  15. cartman101

    Picasso Trigger and Yellow Tang

    sounds like they r just friends, dont worry about it untill he starts to nip at him.
  16. cartman101

    Port Jackson floating question

    first off, he could be stressed by the tank size. whats the size of tank?? Whats it eating?
  17. cartman101

    psp question

    its either the xbox360(i wonder where i could get one when all sold out ) or the psp. I dont know
  18. cartman101

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    Originally Posted by schulace12 ya that is true, but then the rays wont be happy Whats up with u lately?? A ray will be fine! They dont get over 2ft long and they dont get over 18in wide. (5ftx2ft) Not for a shark but definitly for a ray
  19. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    since stingrays swimm alot they may swim into the lions spines
  20. cartman101

    Help on homework asignment!!

    ok thats way to much info.....THANKS ALOT!! :jumping: