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  1. cartman101

    Ray Keepers Question On Filtration Wet/Dry

    could it be that your ray keeps digging into the sand? Letting all the nitrates in the sand into the tank?
  2. cartman101

    New fishy

    nice find man you dont see those fish everyday when u walk into a lfs
  3. cartman101

    i Need a magazine source for my research paper

    Ok, i need a magazine source(free) for my research paper if any of you can find a good aquarium one for please tell me!! I cant find one!
  4. cartman101

    college, roomies, oh what fun!...or not!!!

    this is what scares me......i hope i dont have partier for my roommate
  5. cartman101

    I Just Broke My Collarbone!(ouch) Anyone Else Break It Before????

    u should sue the kid who caused it
  6. cartman101

    AHHHHH how do i shrink a picture???

    Originally Posted by Tizzo Are you trying to make it your avatar?? yup
  7. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    Originally Posted by Nmocean I wanna see pictures Mitzel and Cartman!! Bring on the sharks! :joy: -Jen have too wait till '06
  8. cartman101

    AHHHHH how do i shrink a picture???

    its still dont work!!
  9. cartman101

    AHHHHH how do i shrink a picture???

    u got mail
  10. cartman101

    Skimmer questions

    hahahaha.......Dude your paniking just like i was when i first got and set up my skimmer. Water kept pooring into the collection cup, all you need to do is just play around with it and let it do its job. Do you have something that can raise the collection cup? If so i would raise it.
  11. cartman101

    AHHHHH how do i shrink a picture???

    I found the perfect picture but when i try to shrink it it screws up! I need 100x100
  12. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    Originally Posted by mitzel SOo what did you decide on this cartman? ??? U mean what did i decide on getting? probably a shark
  13. cartman101

    90 gallon reef 125 gallon FOWLR

    does your ribbon have teeth? I mean sharp pointy teeth U know me......the kid looking for fish with sharp teeth
  14. cartman101

    little help chemistry wizards

    ok great! I understand that now, what about the acids? I need to list 5 acids and there formula, tell me if this is cool: HBr HydroBromic acid acetic acid HC2H3O2 Percloric acid HClO4 Phosphous acid H3PO3 Hydronitric acid H3N Are they correct?????????????
  15. cartman101

    little help chemistry wizards

    is there a formula for hydro acetic(sp?) acid? what is it? i'm also struggling with the roman numerals too, when do i put a roman numeral in front of the element, when its a transition element?
  16. cartman101

    new pics of my 90 gal.

    Do u know what i think!??? 1 picture is not enough
  17. cartman101

    What do u reccomend me doing?

  18. cartman101

    Dragon Wrasse

    are they compatible with rays/sharks?