well, i plan on getting a 300 gallon shark tank in a few years, and here's my stock list:
2 spotted/marble bamboo sharks
1 california spotted ray
2 moorish idol
1 powder blue tang
1 volitan lionfish
1 panther grouper
I would love to add the following as well, but there's no room
emporer angel (or koran angel... actually, any kind of large angel)
lookdowns (these fish are friggin awesome, and a 6 foot high tank would be perfect for them!)
epaulette shark
naso tank (i love these guys, and the way their lips are, like they're always puckered up for a kiss...)
don't add puffers or triggers... they'll pick on the sharks, nipping their fins and eyes...
And, i'm 30 min east of cleveland, Oh, so you're about 2 hours from me... do you have a mailing list? I would love to stop by your store once you get it up!!! The hubby has family in philly area, so we could possibly stop by on our way out there!!! How long before you get it up and running???