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  1. cartman101

    New Rocky movie

    Originally Posted by jdragunas well, i have an x-box, ps2, psp, the new gameboy macro, and i used to have a gamecube, but long story, someone threw it against the wall and broke it. how old r u? Do you work at some game company place???????????
  2. cartman101

    New Rocky movie

  3. cartman101

    I'm off to go see Doom!

    Originally Posted by Beth I have a feeling it will be don't get your hopes up. LOL all video game movies do, i'm going for a good laugh basicaly
  4. cartman101

    lord of the ring 4

    how did you find that.......?
  5. cartman101

    lord of the ring 4

    that was great!!
  6. cartman101

    I'm off to go see Doom!

    Originally Posted by Beth Let us know how you like it.....since I am a doom fan on game, I'd like to know if the movie is worth going to see this weekend. same here i liked the game very much, loved doom 3. I will tell you all ok :joy:
  7. cartman101

    I'm off to go see Doom!

    News paper gave that movie a B+. WOW am i surprised! I bet it will still be funny. I was going to see the Fog but i herd it was a big waste of time. Well movie starts at 7:20 at the imax ***) Anyone with any comments about favorite movies in thearters?
  8. cartman101

    Cortez Ray

    they get about 15in or so wide in the aquarium. U would need at least a 125gal.
  9. cartman101

    Ray Keepers. Pics, ID

    Originally Posted by tainte97 its in a 125 gallon with 75lbs of rock on the sides, middle is open sand, tankmates are a porc puffer and a blue damsel. Temp is 77 thats exactly what i thought
  10. cartman101

    which are worse?

    Originally Posted by Fixed Trying to do a little research first. If I wanted to keep a Percula Clown pair, which of the following would be the worst (or intolerable) to have in the same 55 gallon tank (with lots of cover, if that matters): Laticed Butterfly (dont know may have to ask some one on...
  11. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    whats more hardy to care for, a ray or shark?????????????????
  12. cartman101

    Ray Keepers. Pics, ID

    nice ray make me wanna get one.....i may change my mind! whats the diameters? Whats the temp at? tank mates?
  13. cartman101

    Surgery on fish?!

    now thats what i wanna do for my career
  14. cartman101


    your fine! FOWLR tanks can stand nitrates up to 30 even higher but 30 is the max. If its a reef tank your nitrates should be at 20 max
  15. cartman101

    HOW old??

    2 years and still counting
  16. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    Originally Posted by mitzel I would go for it cartman . IMO you seem to have a good idea about how to take care of the animals you get . you don't seem to jump on the bus and get the cool fish of the week. and a 125 is more than enough to keep a coral cat. andc to be honest they don't need to be...
  17. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    yeah i'm definitly going to do it but at a later date
  18. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    so would you think i could get it? Its been up for 2.5 months. i added the sand and rocks and water from my old tank to the new tank, i added the rest with tap but i'm doing water changes with ro/di. so you think i can get it this weekend?
  19. cartman101

    think my tank is ready?

    you mean they aren't a warm water shark?????? my tank is at 79-80 degrees.
  20. cartman101

    Brown Algae??

    Originally Posted by fishieness diatoms. A common occurence in new tanks that use tap water. They come in via the tap water. A normal thing for tap water users. Dont harm anything. Once you put in a clean up crew, it will give them something to eat too. bingo