Originally Posted by jdragunas
well, i have an x-box, ps2, psp, the new gameboy macro, and i used to have a gamecube, but long story, someone threw it against the wall and broke it.
how old r u? Do you work at some game company place???????????
Originally Posted by Beth
I have a feeling it will be disappointing....so don't get your hopes up. LOL
all video game movies do, i'm going for a good laugh basicaly
Originally Posted by Beth
Let us know how you like it.....since I am a doom fan on game, I'd like to know if the movie is worth going to see this weekend.
same here i liked the game very much, loved doom 3. I will tell you all ok :joy:
News paper gave that movie a B+. WOW am i surprised! I bet it will still be funny. I was going to see the Fog but i herd it was a big waste of time. Well movie starts at 7:20 at the imax ***) Anyone with any comments about favorite movies in thearters?
Originally Posted by tainte97
its in a 125 gallon with 75lbs of rock on the sides, middle is open sand, tankmates are a porc puffer and a blue damsel. Temp is 77
thats exactly what i thought
Originally Posted by Fixed
Trying to do a little research first. If I wanted to keep a Percula Clown pair, which of the following would be the worst (or intolerable) to have in the same 55 gallon tank (with lots of cover, if that matters):
Laticed Butterfly (dont know may have to ask some one on...
Originally Posted by mitzel
I would go for it cartman . IMO you seem to have a good idea about how to take care of the animals you get . you don't seem to jump on the bus and get the cool fish of the week. and a 125 is more than enough to keep a coral cat. andc to be honest they don't need to be...
so would you think i could get it? Its been up for 2.5 months. i added the sand and rocks and water from my old tank to the new tank, i added the rest with tap but i'm doing water changes with ro/di. so you think i can get it this weekend?
Originally Posted by fishieness
diatoms. A common occurence in new tanks that use tap water. They come in via the tap water. A normal thing for tap water users. Dont harm anything. Once you put in a clean up crew, it will give them something to eat too.