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  1. vizion

    Help Me Please

    I just bought some live rock a couple days ago and yesterday I noticed a little coral polyp poking out from one of the holes in my rock... I'll try to take a picture of it so I can id it. But my question is now that it is there how do I take care of it? My wife will kill me if it dies she has...
  2. vizion

    Brown Algae problem

    Tank Has been established for a year. I have just put some live rock in the tankabout 10 lbs. And room temp fluctuates but averages 70 except in the summer.
  3. vizion

    Brown Algae problem

    Tank Has been established for a year. I have just put some live rock in the tankabout 10 lbs. And room temp fluctuates but averages 70 except in the summer.
  4. vizion

    Brown Algae problem

    If it helps anyone out I have also heard Mine Urchins called Pencil Urchins. Thanks
  5. vizion

    Brown Algae problem

    I have a 75G fish only tank with a little live rock. I have brown algae all over the place and try to keep it down by cleaning it of the walls of the aquarium but it always comes back in a day of two. I have a snowflake eel and a Lunare wrasse. Is there anything I can put in the tank to help...
  6. vizion

    Marine Land Emperor

    I have these filters running on my salt water and freshwater tanks. They both do a superb job. My water in both tanks is the cleanest I've had. I even have let my freshwater tank go for a couple of months with no cleaning and all was well... Water was still cleaner than most LFS I go to.
  7. vizion

    Natural Sea Water

    Anybody In Los Angeles Area use Natural Sea Water? I've heard of Catalina Water CO. and another called Marine Quality in Oceanside. Anyone use or heard of these?
  8. vizion

    Seaclone Skimmer

    I purchased a seaclone protein skimmer on the advice from a good friend and the LFS four weeks ago. I have not been able to get the thing to work since. I've messed with the airvalve every two or threee days and still get nothing collecting in the cup. Has anyone else had problems with this...